You are currently browsing the daily archive for April 25, 2011.

As Emi finishes school for the day, she waits at some lights and hears some kids talking about the Vanguard regional tournament. Emi enters Card Capital and picks up a pack of cards, Nitta sees that she’s taking an interest and offers to show her how to play.

Everyone arrive at the shop and help Emi start playing. Morikawa will be her opponent and she’ll use Misaki’s deck.

Morikawa explains some basic rules and the game gets underway. Morikawa has the same problem of overloading his deck and hand with grade 3s and Emi plays her monsters depending on how cute they are… Kamui arrives and is appalled that Emi is facing Morikawa, but unfortunately can’t do anything about it.

Not really a ‘real’ fight so I won’t detail it out. Especially when Emi’s ‘guard’ is to put her hand over her card… Well, as the fight progresses you can tell Morikawa’s still rubbish and Emi’s lucky, she needs it if she’s depending on cuteness. Also Morikawa’s intimidation tactics fail miserably.

Morikawa somehow is able to get out a huge team of his grade 3s, and tries to attack with his vanguard, but is put in his place by Emi when she notices that he can’t attack with his vanguard.

With a stroke of luck and Amaterasu’s ability, Emi wins the match.

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April 2011


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