With one lose already, Team Q4 can’t afford to lose another. So how will they fare against Team Muscle Brain


Seeing as there are only 3 matches, Aichi knows that they can’t lose anymore. So for the next fight they’ll start strong with Kai up first against Team Muscle Brain. Their names are a little odd, Kick Shuu, Punch Ken and Groundwork Snake… anyway the first match will be Kai vs Kick.

With a lot of skipping, we get to the final turn within a minute or two and an overwhelming Kai easily brushes aside Kick and scores a first win for Team Q4. We move swiftly onto the second match, Misaki vs Punch.

Punch rides grade 1 Tough Boy and moves grade 0 Battlerizer to rear guard. Misaki uses grade 0, Ichibyoshi’s effect, look at the top 5 cards of your deck and if grade 1, Crescent Moon, Tsukuyomi is among them she can superior ride. She also calls grade1, Gemini and grade 0, Psychic Bird. Gemini and Tsukuyomi attack dealing 2 damage. 0-2.

Punch rides grade 2, King of Sword and calls grade 1 Karma Queen which is Megacolony, not Nova Grappler, he uses Karma Queen’s ability, at the cost of two, he stops Gemini from standing next turn. He then calls 2 grade 1, Clay-doll Mechanics whose skill allows him to flip back one of his damage, meaning he can use Karma Queen’s ability again. He attacks with Karma, King and Clay-doll dealing 3 damage. 3-2.

Misaki uses her current Crescent Moon, Tsukuyomi skill to look at the top 5 cards of her deck and if there’s Half Moon Tsukuyomi she can superior ride, but there isn’t. But she has one in her hand and rides it. She then soulcharges and draws. She then calls 2 grade 2, Silent Toms and grade 1, Milk. Tsukuyomi deals 1 damage but her Silent Toms don’t have enough power so destroys two of Punch’s rear guard instead. 3-3.

Punch rides grade 3, Gold Rutile and calls grade3, Death Metal Droid and another Karma. Karma stops one Silent Tom from standing. He attacks with Death metal Droid and deals one damage and he can also turn over one damage. Gold Rutile and Karma’s attacks are guarded. 4-3.

Misaki uses Half Moon Tsukuyomi’s effect, look at top five cards and finds and superior rides grade 3, Full Moon Tsukuyomi! She uses its counterblast, at the cost of 2, draw 2 cards and 1 goes into soulcharge. She calls grade 3, Amaterasu and Gemini. Tsukuyomi, Amaterasu and Silent Tom attack but Amaterasu is guarded. 4-5.

With 6 cards in Misaki’s hand, she successfully guards everything that Punch attacks with and she ends this with one hit from Amaterasu.

With this win, they stand a chance of getting to the finals. But waiting for them in the next match, is the undefeated team Foo Fighter.


First thing to note, I’ve started using the actual names of the monsters instead of just say grades. Hopefully it’s an improvement and will help distinguish between the cards now that this series is going to be on for quite a while and I think it’s about time I start learning their names too seeing as this card game will more than likely arrive in the west sooner or later.

Well again we got to see a Kai one-sided fight even if it’s only one or two turns of it we saw. Against a team like this who’s probably gonna have 3 loses under their belt, then it’s obvious that they were going to skip Kai’s fight. But their next match is Foo Fighter so they shouldn’t be skipping any of that which would mean we see a Kai fight. I’m glad they didn’t skip Misaki’s fight this time, it’s nice to see a full duel from her with her new deck and key card.

I loved the music box effect played in the background when Misaki was drawing her new key card as she had a flashback of her younger self opening the deck box which could’ve easily been a music box. So I thought it was a nice effect, plus it suited the mood.

Speaking of Misaki, it’s about time she and team Q4 got some luck. Drawing Full Moon Tsukuyomi on the fifth card is quite lucky. But yeah, they deserve it this time. Keeping on Misaki’s fight, cos that was the main thing that happened, I thought it was hilarious that she declared final turn, hopefully the catchphrase won’t catch on otherwise it’ll be very odd, albeit entertaining.

So yes, a nice fight, but this is Team Muscle Brain, who are going to be crashing out of the tournament. The only thing I’m wondering is how Q4 will qualify. The only way they can is if they beat Foo Fighter as Foo Fighter have 2 wins already, Jurassic Army will have 2 from Muscle Brain and Q4, so if Q4 loses they’ll end up with 1 win and go out, so they must win this to advance. Well, I wonder what the anime will pull on us this time, hopefully a nice surprise.