Nice place you have here... Shame we'll be destroying it.

So, Border Patrol try to contact Ryuuguu Palace, but they can’t reach them, and assume that their Den-Den Mushi is sick. Still, they relate to the whole of Fishman Island that some “dangerous individuals” have entered Fishman District. Humourously, they say that hopefully nothing bad will happen. Those “dangerous individuals” in question: Houdi Jones, Vander Decken IX, and their forces, make their way to Ryuuguu Palace, ready to take their country back. We see panels with their notable men: Dosun, Zeo, Muhhi, Daruma and Hyouzou, all showing their support. Houdi orders them to go to their designated areas, and says that Fishman Island will be theirs again. Meanwhile, on an Osakana Bus, Robin heads to Sea Forest, saying to herself that she has found that there is a Poneglyph on Fishman Island that could hold information on the Blank Century.

In Ryuuguu Palace, Zoro argues with the palace guards that he, Ussop, Nami and Brook tied up. King Neptune pleas with his captors to release his daughter, Princess Shirahoshi, but the Straw Hats say that they haven’t touched her. Brook says that he saw Luffy and Megalo, the Princess’ shark, go without any princess in sight, but Neptune says that Luffy is the culprit and hid Shirahoshi in Megalo’s mouth. Nami attempts to prevent him from blaming them, but Neptune says that he won’t let their ship or other crewmates go until Shirahoshi returns safely. In the Sea Forest, however, Franky has found Tom’s brother, Den, and notes how they look nothing alike. Den goes on to explain that when an ancestor of a fishman or merman has a certain appearance, somewhere down the line, that appearance will occur again, and shows confusion as to why humans categorise everyone because of that. He then asks if Franky had a robot ancestor, humourously. Den goes on to say that he received letters from Kokoro about Franky and Iceberg, and says that Tom must have picked the right disciples. Franky notes on someone sitting away from them, and Den replies that it is ‘Boss’ Jinbei, who is waiting for someone, but he’s wanted so cannot enter the island.

Houdi and Vander Decken finally arrive at the palace, and the palace guards are shocked that they are there together. Houdi and Vander Decken note how the guards and Neptune being tied up seems like a trap, whilst the guards blame the Straw Hats for letting them into the palace. Neptune starts to get angry, blaming Vander Decken for Shirahoshi’s disappearance, but Vander Decken replies that he doesn’t know anything about it. Vander Decken starts to panic about Shirahoshi’s location, but Houdi reminds him that the soldiers he threw beforehand landed at the palace, meaning she couldn’t have gone far. Vander Decken then picks up a giant coral and throws it with his right hand, and he rides it to Shirahoshi’s location. We then see panels of Shirahoshi, Luffy and Megalo having fun, before Vander Decken threatens that if Shirahoshi becomes someone else’s, she might as well die in a sea of blood.

Well, firstly I am back, but don’t expect me to stay, as second year seems to like kicking me in the face with coursework, for lack of a better (or less nonsensical) term. Anyway, my thoughts on this chapter have pretty much been my thoughts on most One Piece chapters – it has quite a nice build-up, yeah, but there’s nothing interesting going on. I mean, I’m glad that the main story is back on track, which means the whole manga goes back to the predictable “Arrive at Island-Fight Some Guys-Get in Trouble-Maybe get a New Crewmate-Leave” plotline, and that’s a nice way to read a manga. Unfortunately, the character and plot development that should have taken the action’s place hasn’t really been brilliant. Houdi Jones, whilst looking damn badass, is a 2-D character in my eyes, as are most of his crew, which mostly have recycled personalities of crews gone by. Vander Decken seems the standout villain up to now, with a significant enough backstory to be cared about, and has a pretty interesting Devil Fruit power. Still, this arc is in the early-goings at the moment, so I hope to be proven wrong. Hear that Oda? Give me something that I can praise beyond belief.