Episode 7: There’s No Way My Little Sister Could Write a Novel

ED Theme: Masquerade! By Kana Hanazawa

Good Evening, Mr. Kousaka

Kyousuke returns home and enters the living room. The place is dark and he assumes the house is empty. He switched on the lights to find Kuroneko in his living room. It turns out that Kuroneko was invited around to watch a screening of Meruru. Kyousuke asks her why they are having a screening at his home. She recollects the events that took place three days ago. Kirino is complaining that Kuroneko has only watched six episodes. Kuroneko tells her she has other things to do than watch it and she finds it boring. Kirino and Kuroneko start arguing; Bajeena intervenes and suggest that they have a screening of both animes. Bajeena adds that if they both commentate on the animes they may see it in a different perspective. After the explanation, Kyousuke asks Kuroneko where Kirino is. She replies that she maybe in her room. Kyousuke places a cup of tea and some snacks on the coffee table and figures out they both had an argument.

He has just sat on a hot crumpet

Just then Kyousuke’s phone rings. He answers the phone and it is a text message from Bajeena telling him that he has to solve the problem himself. He then asks Kuroneko what they were arguing about. Kuroneko tells him that they were arguing over novels. Kyousuke asks her if it was bad, in which she replies she intends to kill her. It turns out that Kirino had written the novel in such a way that Kuroneko is unhappy about it. In addition Kirino had based one of the characters on Kuroneko and had written that the character got raped and died. Kyousuke tells her that he wouldn’t be able to spot errors in novels as he doesn’t know how to write one, however Kuroneko is able to, as she write some herself. Kuroneko tells him that there is no right way to write a novel, as authors have different writing styles. Kyousuke leaves to put his bag in his room.

Fear the book

Kyousuke knock on Kirino’s door. She opens the door, almost slamming the door in his face. He asks her what she is doing. She tells him that she is playing an Eroge game. He tells her that she has a guest downstairs and she is upstairs playing games. She tells him that Kuroneko had started the argument. In her room, Kirino hands Kyousuke a novel that Kuroneko had written. He flicks through as Kirino explains the story. He tells her, that it sounds quite interesting. However, Kirino tells him that the novel is written in such a way that it is much more in depth. On top of that she hands him another book, which is an encyclopaedia and she explains that it is required to understand half of the novel. Finally Kirino tells him that Kuroneko had based a character on her and turned that character into a sex slave. Kyousuke realises that he had a similar talk with Kuroneko and comes to the conclusion that they are just good friends, in an odd way.

I'll never sing along to the intros...

Kyousuke gets them to do what they suppose to do; a screening of ‘Meruru’. Kyousuke then gets a call from Bajeena and tells him that she is finished what she is doing and wonders how he getting on. He tells her that it could kick off at any moment between the two. Bajeena is then set to loudspeaker on the phone and joins in on the screening as she would play the DVD at the same time. Kyousuke starts the screening and Kirino gets all excited over the anime. However, Kuroneko picks out several issues that she has with the anime. Kirino gets mad and tells her that the anime’s story is about friendship. Kuroneko stops the DVD and asks her what part of the anime is about friendship as the main character had killed her friend in the sixth episode. They then both start arguing again, with Bajeena asks what is going on over the phone, to which Kyousuke replies, ‘friendship’.

Cross the road, chicken...

The next day, Kyousuke returns home from school to find Kirino. She shouts at him for looking at porno sites on her laptop. He apologises and promises to anything for her. She then asks him for some life counselling. She hands him her new novel and tells him that she had uploaded the novel on to a website and according to the editor, the novel would be published. Kirino is so pleased that she started writing another one. Kyousuke has gone out with Kirino to do some research as her new novel involves an apocalyptic-city. She wants Kyousuke to cross the road and get hit by traffic, a dump truck if possible, Kyousuke argues over the idea as it would kill him. So Kirino settles for taking a picture of the busy junction. Next they go to a shop and Kirino asks him to buy this ring for her, but is shocked into why he has to buy it. She tells him that it is for emotional support for later. Also she wants to have the feeling of receive something from the person she loves, in the novel of course. However, Kyousuke is unable to buy it as he hasn’t brought enough money with him, which angers Kirino. Kirino suggest that they go to her usual shop which is cheaper but has prettier items in.

Fear the phone

Kirino gets a new set of ‘heart’ earrings while Kyousuke sighs over the receipt. He tells her that he is no author’s assistant and that she only doing this for her self-gratification. Suddenly, Kyousuke turns around to find Kirino drenched by the water from a bucket. She narrates the story of the main character being found in the pouring rain. She drops her notebook into the puddle of water and adds that she is not doing it for self-gratification. Kyousuke tells her he understands and puts his coat on her and asks her where to go next. They go to a hotel and Kirino gets a shower while Kyousuke sits nervously on the bed. He then gets a phone call from Manami asking him to come over to try some Christmas cake. She also asks him if he is with someone, to which he replies he is with Kirino. Just then Kirino comes out of the bathroom commenting on the gadgets of the hotel. Manami over hears the conversation questioning on hearing ‘hotel’. Kyousuke quickly shouts he got a bad reception and hangs up. He tells Kirino to get dress making Kirino think he is perverted. After, they are walking down the street when Kirino gets an idea and runs on ahead. Kyousuke thinks to himself when Kirino ushers him on sporting the new earrings he had bought her.

Kirino is very short-tempered, but can be cute at sometimes, especially when she was singing the anime intro. It was an average episode, which I think would lead on to the next episode or two. I should start paying attention to the different ED themes there are, this episode is done by Kuroneko’s seiyuu Kana Hanazawa. Anyway I am getting tired so moving on…