Episode 9: There`s No Way My Little Sister Can Play Eroge Like This

ED Theme: Suki Nandamon! By Ayana Taketatsu

It's a brick

Kyousuke comes home and is greeted by Kirino, who then sighs by the sight of him. She tells him that she waiting for something but won’t tell Kyousuke what it is. She seems to be restless for the last couple of days. He recounts that Kirino has told him that the next life counselling session would be the last one. However, she hasn’t spoken to him since then. He tells her that her lunch is in the fridge but he is completely ignored with her complaining about other people playing some game before her. Suddenly there the doorbell goes and Kirino jumps up excited. She has picked up her parcel and she opens it. Kyousuke asks her what she had got in the post. She tells him it is an Eroge game, which she hugs while giggling.

Damn, I need to wind up the processor again...

Kirino installs the game on to her computer but it is taking its time. While it installs, she goes down into the kitchen and makes herself a drink and a snack which she takes with upstairs to her room. She settles down just in time as the game finishes installing (finally!) and begins playing. Meanwhile, Kuroneko is preparing food for her and her little sister. She wakes her up and they begin to have lunch. Kuroneko tells her that their parents are out for the day, so it would be just them. Kuroneko No Imouto (Ref: Kuroneko’s little sister) asks Kuroneko if she is going to be home all day; she tells her she would be and wonders if she should be more often. Back with Kyousuke, who is texting on his phone while listening to music, wonders if Kirino is planning to go out today. Kirino has begun playing her new game. She has completed changes to the settings to her preference and begins a fresh game, whilst giggling. She is introduced to the main characters and wonders what storyline to take first. Suddenly her phone starts ringing, she wonders who it is and turns out it is her modelling job calling.

Mini-Kuroneko; how cute!!!

Ayase is working doing a photo shoot. After finishing her session she wonders what Kirino is doing and tries to call her. However, she can’t get through as Kirino phone is switched off. Ayase thinks that Kirino has turned off her phone because she wants to concentrate on studying and not be disturbed (If only she knew…). Kirino is still playing her game; giggling uncontrollably. However, a point in the game leads to a bad choice by Kirino and she starts shouting at the screen, which then heard by Kyousuke; who is studying, through the wall. She gets up and vents her anger, she then returns to the computer and shouts at it that she would do that particular character’s story later. Back with Kuroneko, she asks her little sister what she is drawing. She tells her that she is drawing Meruru. Kuroneko then remembers the DVDs that Kirino lent to her and asks her little sister if she wants to watch Meruru on TV. Kuroneko No Imouto replies with an emphatic yes.

This program has performed an illegal operation and would be shut down....NO!!!!

Kirino continues playing her eroge game taking a different story route. She angrily comments on the other route on how bad it is. She then reaches a point in the game in which the female character tells her brother (The playable character in the game) that she loves him. This makes Kirino giggle with delight and immediately removes a poster from her wardrobe and puts it up on the wall. She then sets up a wireless headphone to the computer and clicks on the message again “I love you, Onii-Chan”, which makes Kirino giggle in awe every time she clicks it. Kyousuke next door studying; wonders on what she is doing. Later, Kirino is then tired after all that giggling. Meanwhile, Kuroneko has put on Meruru on for her little sister to watch. Kuroneko asks her if it good, to which she replies it is. Back with Kirino, she is trying to do the annoying sister route, but ends up getting frustrated. She consults her notes that she made playing the game but can’t figured out where she went wrong. She then states angrily that she would complete her storyline no matter what.

I fancy a cup tea there

In a very posh house, a young woman is having tea in the conservatory, with a butler on hand. She then gets a call from someone telling her that they are delivering the items she ordered. A moment later, two ladies reveal a maid costume made according to the young woman’s measurements. The two ladies, then reveal two other costumes. The young woman replies that they are perfect for the party, although she has to come up with an excuse for them to wear it. Meanwhile, Kuroneko is sowing with her little sister asleep on her lap. She then gets a phone call, in which gingerly picks up trying not to disturb her sister. It is Kyousuke who asks her what she is doing now. She tells him that she making a magical artifact; lying through her teeth. She asks him if he is ok calling her. He tells her that he can’t seem to concentrate at the moment, so he wondered what she was up to. He then asks her about an upcoming Maschera event, to which Kuroneko tells him that she is planning to attend. Suddenly their conversation is interrupted by Kirino’s screaming next door. Kyousuke tells her that it is just a monkey next door. Kuroneko tells him that it must be hard on him to put up with such a thing.

She has snapped!!!

That evening, Kirino gets to an exciting part of the game and decides to save after she has a shower. On the way down to the shower, Kirino bumps into Kyousuke unaware that she has dropped her underwear on to the floor. Kyousuke stops her and points to them. She notices them and turns bright red and angrily gives Kyousuke a huge great big slap across the face adding that he should die. Later after her shower, Kirino returns to the game and continues playing. Kyousuke is in his room next door; sporting a huge red handprint on his face can hear Kirino through the wall. Eventually he starts banging on the wall, telling her that he can hear her. Kirino is shocked, but then becomes angry and then starts banging on the wall shouting back at him. She then comes up with the idea that Kyousuke is recording her moaning over the eroge game. Kyousuke replies that only she would come up with such an idea.


Meanwhile, Kuroneko has changed back into her usual black goth outfit and is having a weird conversation with someone; anime related (I think) while her mother (I assume) and little sister watch through the open door. Back with Kirino and her game, she feels that she may have picked the wrong choice during the game and decides to quit the game. However, she then changes her mind and continues the story and finishes the annoying story route. Kuroneko is busy typing on her computer when her sister comes in asking her to read her a story. Kuroneko tells her that she will after messaging the natives of the world of darkness. Kuroneko No Imouto notices a picture of Kuroneko with Bajeena and Kirino on her desk and asks if the people in the picture are also from the world of darkness. She tells her no, they are friends of hers that live in their world. Kirino gives up and decides to try to get the good ending of the game tomorrow. She heads to have a bath, when Kyousuke exits the bathroom. He asks her that she is having another bath, which she responses by kicking him in the leg. He asks her why she did that, to which she tells him that she is annoyed. Finally, Kyousuke wishes her good night, in which she responses by pulling her tongue.

A funny episode this one, although I never thought that people would go mental over a visual novel computer game. I haven’t played one myself, so I can’t really comment on it. Anyway, Kuroneko’s little sister is really cute but less can be said about Kirino; who’s mood changes so fast it is a wonder that she doesn’t get wrinkles all over her face. Also I kind of figured that the posh young woman was actually Bajeena, but I wanted to convey that her face was obscure from view all of the time during the scene. The evidence was probably the voice as well as the hair and the little flash of her red cheeks. Most of all, it was the picture of Bajeena, Kuroneko and Kirino that gave it away. I would like to see the real Bajeena on how she looks without her glasses in this anime, but I don’t think we would get the chance this series, unless they do another season.