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May 1896, the wait for the snow to melt is over and the new government army attacks. To intercept them on two fronts Ootori and Hijikata are sent out.

Elsewhere Kazama lands on a new government army ship and demands that he’s taken to Ezo, the captain of the ship doesn’t really have a choice.

Hijikata’s unit is doing well and no one’s died. But Ootori is defeated so they retreat to Daida in case the enemy cuts off their escape and regroups with everyone. Things worsened everyday. The naval battles soon began but the Bakufu ships were outnumbered and obliterated. Only their infantry remain.

During a quiet night in the office, Hijikata finally says that he’s in love with Chizuru and they share a heartwarming kiss.

The happiness doesn’t last long as the new government army attacks from behind and Ootori and Shimada are boxed in in Daiba. Hijikata immediately sets off with reinforcements. But as he charges into the enemy he is shot off his horse. He’s not dead yet and Chizuru helps him into a safe place. With a huge amount of blood loss Hijikata doesn’t look like he’ll make it, so Chizuru feeds him some of her blood and he pulls through and they retreat.

However, they meet Kazama on the way back. Even though he’s injured, Hijikata still accepts Kazama’s challenge. And so, the duel begins. It seemed even, until Hijikata’s injury takes its toll on him and Kazama is clearly on top. Even so, Hijikata fights on with the will power of a demon. Seeing this Kazama recognises Hijikata as a real Oni, as a Hakuouki.

The two ready themselves and charge for one final strike. A shock victory goes to Hijikata as he stabs straight through Kazama’s chest. But it seems he’s used too much of his energy and collapses.

The end.

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In the freezing cold weather luHijikata attacks and takes down the Matsumae clan in Ezo. The Bakufu army then disembarks to west Hakodate. But they underestimated the weather and two of their ships sank. Luckily they managed to save most of the artillery and men.

Hijikata has a sudden vampiric impulse attack during a war council and steps out, but then starts hallucinating. It goes away soon enough, but leads him to think about Chizuru.

Back in Sendai, Chizuru meets Kazama who is still determined to finish his fight with Hijikata even if that straying from the path of the Oni.

Later Ezo was established as an independent country in Hakodate. With the first election gone, Hijikata is now the vice commissioner of the army.

In Sendai again, Ootori sends Chizuru a letter appointing her Hijikata’s attendant and she quickly travels to aid Hijikata. Realising that he misses Chizuru, he allows her to stay.

There’s a dilemma as the new government army’s ships are too strong, so the Bakufu navy decides on a strategy to surprise attack the ships. The attack goes horribly wrong and commander Kouga died in battle forcing them to retreat.

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November 1868, the Shinsengumi arrive at Sendai. Sannan and the Rasetsu should already be there, but they’ve heard nothing. Vice Admiral of the Bakufu navy, Enomoto Takeaki visits Hijikata. The situation at Sendai is unknown as the head of the clan has ignored requests for an audience with Enomoto, but he does know of a strange people that murders people outside of the castle and enter and exit as they wish. Hijikata says he’ll deal with the murders and asks Enomoto to continue requesting an audience with the head of the Sendai clan.

Hijikata later states that if it is Sannan who’s committing the murders then he’ll kill him.

As Chizuru hangs up some sheets, Heisuke comes by. It seems that Sannan might’ve joined the new government army as he’s constantly having meetings with Koudou inside the castle. Koudou casually walks by with his Rasetsu and greets them. He wants Chizuru back to restore the Yukimura clan’s glory. But when Chizuru refuses he blames the Shinsengumi for poisoning her mind and orders his Rasetsu to attack.

The sun weakens Heisuke and Koudou sneaks behind Chizuru to drug her and carry her away.

Chizuru wakes up in a room in Sendai castle alone with Koudou. He tells her that he wants her to lead the clan as the last member of the family. But she wants him to give it up so as to not hurt more people. She tells him she was proud when she knew he was saving lives as a doctor. But Sannan then makes his appearance who admits that in order to continue his research he allied with Koudou. When Chizuru asks if he’s betrayed the Shinsengumi, he doesn’t answer. At this point Heisuku and Hijikata appear.

Sannan then explains everything. It seems the Sendai clan and other northern clans want to avoid war. Koudou wasn’t happy with the New Government Army so Sannan joined him in his goal to build an Oni kingdom where the Rasetsu could live in. Sannan then infiltrated the castle and took control.

Rasetsu then rush into the room and Koudou asks Chizuru again to lead the Yukimura family and Sannan asks Hijikata if he would lead the Rasetsu against the New Government Army. Both refuse. Sannan draws his sword. But attacks the Rasetsu! It seems he was an ally after all. ‘To deceive the enemy you must first deceive your allies’.

Sannan declares that even after improving the medicine he still can’t stop the vampiric impulses or the life consumption, so he must put an end to this.

Three Rasetsu appear from behind Koudou, Chizuru stands in front to protect him, but he gets stabbed as he protects Chizuru when they attacked. He tells Chizuru to live how she believes she should and then passes away.

Heisuke, Sannan and Hijikata finish off the Rasetsu and as they’re about to leave Sannan and Heisuke collapse having reached their limit. The bid their farewells and turn to dust.

The Rasetsu oppression in the castle is lifted, however the Sendai clan still doesn’t wish to fight. Only their artillery unit join the Shinsengumi’s cause. The Bakufu army catches up, and they prepare to leave for Ezo to make a new country there.

Hijikata tells Chizuru to stay put and live on to find her own future. And with that, everyone else leaves leaving Chizuru behind.

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With Hijikata still recovering from his injuries, the Shinsengumi is now led by Saitou and marches into Aizu. There, he is able to talk with Lord Matsuraira Katamori in Tsuruga Castle. This lord seems to have some backbone and will not surrender. He even instructs the Misaki guard of 30 men to work with the Shinsengumi.

But it seems like this group of men doesn’t like Saitou because of the clothes he wears and the fact that his swords are on the right. So they will only work with him because they are ordered to, no other reason.

Onto the battlefield they go to launch a surprise attack on a small enemy camp. Saitou charges in and they quickly overpower them, but enemy reinforcements approach and they run the risk of getting pincered. Saitou calls to retreat but the leader of the guards order them not to cower and fight on. Seeing a few of his men die in the face of a stronger enemy and coupled with a convincing talk from Saitou, Masaki, leader of guards, finally orders the retreat.

After their loss at Shirakawa-guchi, they retreat to Fukura.

Saitou visits the guard group later and it seems they took on his advice and are now wearing less armour, and Masaki apologises for having insulted Saitou’s warrior ways.

Whilst the Shinsengumi hold a war meeting, Hijikata, now better, greets everyone and joins in with Chizuru.

Days later, Nihonmatsu falls. So if the new government army want to attack Aizu they’ll need to go through the Bonari Pass to reach Tsuruga Castle. Ootori will guard Pass and the Shinsengumi will be reinforcements.

A battle breaks out at Bonari Pass soon enough. The New Government Army attacks with a 3000 strong army whilst Ootori defends the pass with 400 troops.

Completely outnumbered they are forced to retreat. Masaki bids Saitou farewell as he holds the army off long enough for the Shinsengumi to escape.

They couldn’t rally after the defeat and Ootori suggests retreating to Sendai as it’s only a matter of time before Aizu falls. This was apparently Lord Katamori’s idea, but he himself wishes to remain until the last man falls.

Sannan wants to head to Sendai first as he comes from there, Hijikata agrees and Heisuke goes with him to keep an eye on him.

Saitou wishes to remain behind in Aizu and he’s already made up his mind so Hijikata doesn’t have much to say apart from allowing him to stay. Chizuru bids him farewell and makes him promise that he won’t die.

The New Government Army attacks Aizu and we end as Saitou makes his final charge at the enemy.

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In order to catch up with the main Shinsengumi branch, Chizuru and the still injured Hijikata have to pass through Nikko-guchi and Oouchi pass.

Okita finds out about Kondou’s death and is extremely angry at Hijikata for it. But Hijikata’s still injured, so Okita leaves him. Kijikata asks Saitou, and it seems it’s true, Kondou was beheaded.

Chizuru catches up with Okita and explains to him what happened that day when Kondou was captured. Okita reminisces about when he was younger and how Kondou looked after him. It seems that Okita didn’t like Hijikata back then because he was closer to Kondou than him. Okita doesn’t believe he can ever forgive Hijikata so he leaves him to Chizuru and walks away.

When Chizuru returns to Hijikata, she sees him and Saitou facing off with Heisuke trying to break up the fight. It seems that Hijikata wants to join the front lines again even with his injuries and Saitou’s completely against it. After only two slashes Saitou gets his blade to Hijikata’s neck. And he agrees to let Saitou take command at the front lines seeing as he’s the leader of the Shinsengumi now, he shouldn’t take risks again.

Soon, the new government army begin to attack and they’ve barricaded themselves in Kan’ei Temple in Ueno.

Harada hears about the war and stakes out somewhere waiting for the Rasetsu to show up to claim blood when the battle is over. Shiranui happens to be there as well, he came prepared with a huge bag of silver bullets as they’re the only things that can kill them.

As the Rasetsu unit move closer, the two greets Koudou and then attack. A long hard fought fight later and all the Rasetsu are dead. Koudou attempts to blow the two up but fails as Harada launches his spear into Koudou’s arm. He drops the bomb and it explodes by his feet. The two rest by a tree but it seems Harada’s injuries were very serious. And they were never seen again.

At the same time, Hijikata’s wounds aren’t healing well, so he and Chizuru go into hiding.

Okita’s randomly wandering around, not knowing what to do, and his illness keeps getting worse. One night he hears someone mention Hijikata and investigates. It was the enemy, so Okita follows them.

Okita waits as a bigger enemy group gets ready to attack Hijikata. After Okita coughs out a gout of blood, he knows he doesn’t have long left. Determined to protect the new leader of the Shinsengumi, he straps his sword to his hand with bandages attacks them with all of his Rasetsu powers.

In town, Chizuru finds that Hijikata has headed out of town and runs to catch up. Hijikata’s certain that Okita’s fighting out there, so he carries on, and Chizuru goes with him.

They arrive to see a massacre. Okita isn’t there, his sword is. Knowing what’s happened, Hijikata turns around and says that Okita will be fine.

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