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Even with their losses the Shinsengumi move on swiftly. They join up with the old Bakufu army and head for Aizu.

Whilst Kondou was under arrest, Hijikata had pleaded for his life but they wouldn’t listen, and they haven’t heard from Kondou ever since.

Edo castle was surrendered without a fight showing just how much of a disadvantage they’re at.

Harada’s still back at Edo where he meets up with Shiranui who explains that Koudou has joined the New Government Army and is training for an attack on Edo so his Rasetsu can get blood. Shiranui doesn’t care about humans, but he hates what Koudou is doing so he plans to stop him.

Back with the Shinsengumi, Ootori Keisuke the infantry magistrate greets Hijikata. Keisuke governs the army and wants Hijikata to be his adviser for the vanguard.

Hijikata sends Shimada to the main army because he’s had experience. Shimada wants reassurance that the Shinsengumi hasn’t disbanded but Hijikata couldn’t give an answer.

Chizuru asks the same question later, this time Hijikata says that after Kondou’s gone he doesn’t know if he can keep this up himself. The urge to drink blood suddenly hits him again. He and Chizuru go to a quiet place in the woods where he finally decides to drink some of her blood.

Shinpachi returns to greet everyone as the person he’s now serving joins the Bakufu army as well.

The Bakufu army tries to attack Utsunomiya castle but fails as they have twice as many men and with the castle as their shield the fight comes to a standstill.

Hijikata and a few men lie in wait and hiding from gunshot. Hijikata orders them to charge, but fearing death by guns they’re too scared to move. So Hijikata charges first and kills a few, this boosts the other’s morale causing them to finally come forward.

As Hijikata infiltrates into the castle he meets up with Kazama and Amagiri. Kazama has a new blade named Douji-giri Tasutsuna, a demon slaying blade. He gains the upper hand when he slashes Hijikata and his wounds don’t heal. After Kazama insults the Shinsengumi Hijikata draws on his willpower and stands his ground. The flaming ceiling that comes crashing down stops the fight. Kazama and Amagiri both leave. Hijikata collapses and is rescued by Shinpachi and Shimada.

Hijikata does take Utsunomiya castle in the end, but his efforts were in vain as it’s reclaimed in four days.

The Bakufu continues their march to Aizu as Hijikata stays in Nikkou to get medical treatment.

When Hijikata wakes he gets a scolding from Ootori because the way he fought isn’t how a leader is supposed to fight. Shinpachi comes to check on him, and after making sure he’s alright he heads out as his unit is moving out. And they will meet up again in Aizu.

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One night Saitou follows Sannan but loses him. He then hears loud groans and moves in that direction to see Amagiri fighting an out of control Rasetsu and helps kill it. Amagiri explains that this Rasetsu is from the Tosa clan who escaped and are murdering people in Edo. He was ordered to verify this fact and eliminate it.

Amagiri then explains about a Rasetsu’s origin of power. Which is their life force, they use it up faster to have greater strength, speed, fast regeneration etc. So the more they use, the faster they’ll die. He asks Saitou to pass on this information to the Rasetsu in the Shinsengumi and leaves. All the while, Sannan watches from afar.

Later in the morning, Hijikata tells Sannan that he’s not allowed more Rasetsu because he knows the flaw of a Rasetsu and won’t allow the research to go any further.

Moving on, Lord Yoshinobu is locked in Kan’ei Temple so the Shinsegumi can’t really fight in Edo. They now move to Aizu, which is Lord Katamori’s land. Hijikata orders Heisuke, Sannan and the Rasetsu unit to move out first because of not wanting them to mix with the new recruits.

Chizuru asks Hijikata to stop using Rasetsu powers and he sorta agrees, but then he gets a sudden urge to drink blood. Chizuru tries to cut her finger to give him blood but he stops her and shuns her out of the room.

Later, the Shinsegumi move to a new base and Saitou takes the new recruits out for drills so they’re not with everyone else.

As Chizuru is bringing tea to Kondou, they’re suddenly surrounded by the enemy. Hijikata volunteers to go out and buy some time but Kondou orders him to escape whilst he buys some time. Being an order Hijikata has no choice but to obey and he readies everyone. Kondou gives Chizuru a bag of money and tells her to flee now, but she says she’ll go with Hijikata.

Later, Hijikata, Shimada and Chizuru with a group of Shinsegumi escape out the back leaving Kondou behind. But on the way they meet a large group of the enemy. Hijikata decides to take them on alone and even though he’s outnumbered and shot twice, he carries on fighting using his Rasetsu powers. He kills them all, but is still frustrated. Chizuru embraces him and tries to calm him down.

At the end we see Kondou get taken away by the enemy.

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It seems that Koudou has perfected his Rasetsu unit to be able to function in the daytime. He deems them superior to humans and declares a new age of demons has begun.

As Chizuru moves with Kondou, Kaoru stands in their way and greets Chizuru. He tells her that he’s her brother and uses his sword as proof as his sword and Chizuru’s make a pair and are Yukimura heirlooms. And then comes a shock to her, Koudou is not their father!

Back at the fighting, Shiranui and Harada form a truce to defeat the rasetsu first.

Even though Koudou isn’t their father, Kaoru is still teamed up with him and wish to revive the Yukimura clan and wipe out humanity and he wants Chizuru to join. Kondou stands between them and fights Kaoru, but he is beaten down in a matter of seconds. But Chizuru still doesn’t yield and says that he made a promise to protect Kondou, so she draws her sword and prepares to fight.

This Kaoru angers to draw his sword and attack. He easily knocks Chizuru back, but couldn’t deliver a killing blow as Okita rushes in and continues the fight.

Shiranui finds himself only to have one bullet left. So he says that he’ll clear a path for everyone to escape. The others run for it as Shiranui fires a shot at, boxes of gunpower I think, which explodes to cause a distraction.

Okita has the upper hand against Kaoru, but due to his tuberculosis he falls down coughing without finishing Kaoru off. But, again Kaoru fail to deliver a killing blow as this time, Kazama comes in and stabs Kaoru in the back. Kaoru crawls to Chizuru, and then lay dead at her feet.

Kazama informs them that Koudou has betrayed the Satsuma clan and so must be killed. Chizuru asks for a little time because she wants to talk to her father to change his ways. Kazama agrees.

They bury Kaoru and head back to Edo. Because of the defeat, the Shinsegumi moves to Hatamoto.

As everyone are talking about Koudou and his ‘monsters’, Chizuru happens to be just outside by the door, so they stop.

Later Chizuru visits where she and Koudou used to live and realise that she barely knows anything about him. She meets Harada and walks with him. They then visit Okita and after a short pleasant chat, leave.

Next day, Kondou finally shows his face and he seems well. Shinpachi calls for a private chat and Harada goes along. Later, those two leave the Shinsengumi.

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The troops stay in Hino to rest up for a day before moving on with Kondou being warmly welcomed. They even recruit some more people in Hino, and now their forces are over three hundred.

As they stop to rest Saitou and Hijikata’s concerns over the upcoming fight is known. They both know it’s a tough battle with the odds against them.

That night, Chizuru sees Saitou walking off alone and so follows him. They talk alone for a long time about what is being a warrior, until Shimada appears and brings bad news. It seems that the enemy has already entered Koufu castle and neither engaging nor retreating would be good. They send word to Kondou and gather the troops.

More bad news as half the troops cowardly flee once they hear that the castle was taken. But Kondou refuses to retreat, he plans to stay where he is and see the enemy’s next move. Hijikata leaves to gather reinforcements. He tells Chizuru to leave for a safe place, but she refuses, so he grants her request and charges her with protection of Kondou. But he tells her that she must not die. They make a warrior’s oath to both stay alive.

There’s a scene switch to some small house with two mysterious people, who declare that it’s their time to move.

As soon as Hijikata leaves, a new recruit opens fire on the enemy who’re closing in, and so the war begins. They’re losing men fast and are completely outnumbered. Even though they’re surrounded Kondou refuses to give up and recklessly charges out himself. After seeing his men die from cannon fire he finally gives in and orders everyone to retreat.

Kazama watches the fight and his people are here including Shiranui who meets Harada and starts a fight. But enemy forces interrupt them, who happen to be rasetsu who can fight in broad daylight.

Shiranui knows one person who would bring them out, it was Koudou.

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Continuing on from last season the Shinsengumi retreated to Edo seeking refuge in Shinagawa, Kamaya.

Hijikata’s been working non-stop discussing plans with the Shogunate leaders of when best to attack. And the tiredness is showing on his face.

One night Heisuke sees Sannan walking around suspiciously, but Heisuke couldn’t keep up.

Later, the Shinsegumi set up headquarters at Akizuki mansion.

Sannan comes to visit Chizuru one morning and has an idea that if the Rasetsu had Chizuru’s demon blood, it may suppress their urges. He then pulls a knife out as Chizuru backs away. Hijikata makes a timely interruption and stops Sannan. It seems clear now that Sannan has been patrolling around at night and it might be related to the increased murders in Edo.

Kondou soon calls a meeting and announces that they are to be renamed the Kouyou Chinbutai Unit and their order is to defend Koufu castle. They’ve been supplied with two cannons, fire arms and funding and if they win, they may be rewarded with Koufu castle itself.

Something doesn’t seem right though. The people who ordered them to do this are supposedly not for this war. But Hijikata convinces everyone that they don’t have a choice. He also tells the Rasetsu unit to stay put and wait for orders because it’d be troublesome if people at the castle see their true forms. Sannan reluctantly agrees.

Early next morning everyone gets ready to leave. Those, who doesn’t have to be in uniform are ordered by Hijikata to wear some nice western clothes, as it’s easier to use guns and such in them. Kondou is the only one not wearing any western clothes.

And with that, the Shinsengumi set out for Koufu castle.

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