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Episode 4: With This and That The (Stupid) Couple

Its a zombie!

Mio asks Tarou to go out with her, adding that they are lovers. This comes to a shock to both Tarou and Arashiko. Mio tells them it is a plan to cure Tarou of his masochism and the plan will only last until he is cured. Tarou asks whether he has a say in this plan. However he is interrupted by Michiru, who tells them that they need a first date, so to leave the planning to her.

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Episode 3: The Dogfight For You

Bit chilly isn't it?

Arashiko’s friend Yumi has arrived and she runs up to Arashiko and hugs her. She then notices Tarou standing next to her and confronts him. She remembers Tarou from Middle School as the perverted masochist. She wonders if Arashiko’s condition has been cured, though Arashiko replies not as yet. Yumi strangles Tarou and tells him to stay away from Arashiko; Tarou’s masochism is set off. She then drops him and then states that Arashiko will be transferring to the same high school as her, which comes as a shock to both Arashiko and Tarou.

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Episode 2: The Distance Between Similar People

He is better grilled

Screaming is heard from the room, Arashiko rushes in to find Tarou being given a very hot bath in a cauldron by Mio and Michiru. Mio hopes that if Tarou endures enough pain it would cure him of his condition, but it is proving to be difficult. Suddenly Tarou jumps out the bath and heads towards Arashiko, she swiftly punches him and knocks him out of the window. Read the rest of this entry »

Opening Theme:

#1: “HELP!! -Hell side-” by Ayana Taketatsu

Ending Theme:

“More-more LOVERS!!” by Natsuko Aso

Episode 1: Sharp, Descending First Love!

She has made an impression...

A schoolboy is on the floor, backed up against a wall and is attacked by a girl with a wooden sword, in a maid outfit. He tries to run but is knocked down when the girl throws the sword. He is then subjected to repeated slapping by the girl across the face, but still has a smile on his face; getting turn on. She then throws him out the window and also follows him down. As he makes another escape attempt, the girl unleashes a flying kick, which sends him flying through the air laughing his head off.

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