A short flashback of Yui and Nodoka in preschool starts the episode.

Yui is thinking about what to put for her future plans, but has no idea at all, she asks everyone else and tries to put down what they’ve put. It seems that Ritsu has no idea either so she’s put down ‘undecided’, and Yui follows suit. Then they’re called to the staff room.

Mugi, Mio and Nodoka decide to go to the music room since the other two may take some time. There, Nodoka told them the story of how they met in preschool, which was Yui going up to Nodoka and asking to draw together, not much of a fated meeting…

Staffroom, we learn that Sawa-chan becoming a teacher was because of the person she liked, as he wanted to become a teacher too. But the guy rejected her… poor Sawa-chan… rejection is harsh… And so Sawa-chan let them go without any scolding.

Ritsu and Yui then join the others in the music room. Ritsu then tells them how she and Mio met. Back in preschool, Mio was even shyer than now, so Ritsu teased her a lot. But when Mio had to read her essay to the whole school, Ritsu helped her overcome her stage fright and that’s how they became good friends.

Anyway, after a long thought Ritsu and Yui put down Musician, but Sawa-chan rejects it, even though she smiles afterwards.

After asking a lot of people, she still has no idea. In the end she writes ‘for now I’ll do the best I can’, but still Sawa-chan rejects it.

Well, I don’t know about you, but this episode really just shows how slow the series are going. Eitehr that or I’m way too tired to get the funny parts having only slept about four hours. It took one episode to try and get Yui to decide on her future and even then she got nowhere. The only good to come out of this episode was some back story on everyone and how they all met up. Some parts were amusing, but I don’t think it made this episode all that much better. Maybe I’m just tired and not in a good mood… Well, I really hope the episodes get better soon, for now, I’m taking a nap.