As Mugi gets off a train, she sees Sawa-chan talking to someone in a car who then drives off.

Next, Sawa-chan is explaining her foot pains to the gang, as she had been standing up all day and been very busy. She then gets a phone call and has to rush off somewhere. Mugi then tells them what she saw and Ritsu automatically assumes that Sawa-chan’s dating, so they decide to stalk her when they see her waiting in an odd place. But after staking out for a bit, it’s only a woman seeing Sawa-chan.

They follow her to a restaurant and are forced to sit down after the waitress sees them hiding behind some plants. But luckily the woman with Sawa-chan seems to be on their side and they escape detection.

The woman used to be in Sawa-chan’s band. Her name is Norimi. She explains that one of their old classmates is getting married and wants the band to play at the after party, but Sawa-chan, having locked away that part of her life, refuses.

During Sawa-chan’s English class where it’s self study. The gang passes paper notes around asking each other if they’ve got any ideas to get Sawa to perform as they were asked by Norimi to convince her. Sawa catches them and Mugi owns up, then insists that they get kicked out of the room and forced to stand outside. Apparently it’s been a twelve year long dream of hers… In the end they give up on persuading her.

Though it seems Norimi has a plan. She invites Houkago tea time to perform as Death Devil during the after party. And after seeing Yui messing up the songs and acting too cute, Sawa snaps and kicks Yui off to play some proper music!

Sawa-chan looks pretty horrified with herself the next day. Though even with the bad image, the students still love her.

I was quite happy we got an actual perform from Sawa-chan. It destroyed her caring teacher image, but who cares, she looked better with heavy metal, Catherin ftw! They completely threw away the light hearted Hokagou Tea Time music this time, I found it a nice change of pace.

I seriously don’t get why taking off your glasses make you badass. Must be a Japan thing, I don’t look badass when I take off my glasses, unlike Sawa-chan. That brings up another thing, I always expected weddings to be happy and heart warming, not screw the sappy music let’s blast some heavy metal and party! Though it was rather funny and enjoyable. However, everyone did look out of place.

So yeah, the second half of the episode was quite good. The first half was mainly some comedy. Ritsu’s drawings made me crack up too, and Mugi’s twelve year long dream was, rather unusual, to say the least, though the kind of dream you’d expect from her. Also I remember her talking about Finland during the opening scene, I’m guessing those are her holiday plans.

Anyway, I loved the stalking part, reminded me of the last few Bakuman chapters and of Case Closed, love that show. Though obviously this wasn’t as serious and was much more comedy orientated especially the scenes at the restaurant. Oh and I didn’t really know what to think of the Yui and gang dress up in this episode, it was rather fun, but I dunno, just didn’t seem like them, not their style you could say. Which is probably why I can’t say I like it that much. Well anyway, wonder if we’ll see more of Death Devil, I enjoyed them.