Big news, the music room has been sealed off. Apparently water’s been leaking through the roof and they don’t know the cause. So with nowhere to practice, they borrow their classroom. But they’re too loud, enough to shake the floor, and other people also doing club activities complain. Therefore they head off again. Next up, the gym. But with too much going on and looking out of place, they give up practicing there as well.

Doesn’t seem like either Mio’s nor Mugi’s songs are done due to Ritsu disliking the lyrics. So she asks everyone to come up with some lyrics.

Next day, no rooms are free. But Sawa-chan suggest they go to the recording studio that’s apparently quite nearby. Due to tea and sharing lyrics, they don’t get any practicing done.

Luckily the club room’s fixed the next day and they finally get back in.

More lyrics and this time Yui’s are quite good, only because she got help from Ui.

For some reason Ui is struck with a cold and Yui’s calls everyone over because she doesn’t know what to do. They help get Ui to bed and then leave. Taking care of Ui makes Yui realise that Ui’s quite precious to her, which inspires the lyrics for their next song.

First half was a bore to me. Nothing happened. The only interesting thing was the lyrics and we didn’t even get to see all of it. I’m too tired to write more, and I’ve got nothing more to write anyway. I did say I won’t write much now. Come on big development, where are you?