Hearing of a cute new librarian Junichi, Kaoru and Umehara go to look. They meet Nanasaki who borrows a book and sees the cute librarian, a bookworm with braided hair it seems.

Anyway, seeing that Ai is having trouble with maths, Junichi volunteers to help her out. We find out that Ai has a little brother in primary school and he hasn’t been listening to her at all lately, just craving attention. But she says no more.

The next day, Junichi is scolded by a teacher but then seems to understand something. But when he tries to talk to Ai about it, Miya and Sae was there, and another weird topic picked up which drove Ai away.

Junichi later goes to meet Ai at the swimming club to apologise to Ai and talks to her after practice giving brother advice. She thanks him for helping her with her maths and gives him a toy, some sort of power ranger’s belt by the looks of it. He teaches Ai how to ‘use’ it which attracts attention from some kids and in the end gives the belt to them. Ai thanks Junichi again and then leaves.

Interesting ending, feelings have been established then. Or so it seems at least, although I kinda got the feeling that everything slowed down in this episode. Maybe it was because the first episode was a little faster in plot development, but in this episode all we saw was some relationship development and slow development as well, wasn’t as quick as I wanted. But I guess that’s alright, everything flowed well. There are a few things I wondered why they introduced, like that cute librarian, will she play any part in future episodes? Because if the answer is no then that was just to make up time, or a plot device for Ai’s maths which could’ve been done in so many other ways. And the other is her brother. I wonder if he’ll be involved in this relationship somehow, the build up that is. I still think something happened to Ai to make her less energetic from two years ago so I want to see that. If not it’ll be two more episodes of relationship building, which I’ll just find boring.

A new opening this week and as typical as it was I still liked it, I felt a certain flare from the calmness. Although the tune was very simple, I found it really catchy, although if it’s simple, most of the time it’ll be catchy to a certain extent. Simple is best after all.

I’ve never had a brother, but I kinda wonder what it’d be like at times. I get the feeling they’d just be nothing but trouble though… hehe… I don’t think I’d ever want one. Remembering back to my childhood, I was never interested in toys at all, rather strange. Pokemon got me through my childhood…

So, I’m hoping that it won’t be just relationship development next episode, or if it is, it better be interesting. I want to learn more about Ai, I kinda like her, dunno why, maybe because she seems rather distant most of the time and more normal than the rest, so far at least.

Oh and if you haven’t noticed by now, this series was on hiatus last week if you were wondering why there wasn’t an episode last week.