We welcome Stiyl and a new girl known as Archbishop… her name is Laura Stewart. I’m sure we haven’t seen her in the first season. Laura goes on about a powerful book ‘Liber AL vel Legis’ that can only be deciphered by one person, Orsola Acquinas but they were both ‘stolen’ at the same time…

Seems like Touma’s still suffering from his amnesia back in season one and doesn’t remember much.

As he returns home he finds that Index has been kidnapped and gets a letter about their meeting place. But he finds out it was Stiyl so he relaxes.

Now we get more information about the ‘events’. The prime suspects to the book and the person that were ‘stolen’ are Amakusa Catholics. The Roman Catholic Church was transferring the book to Japan and I assume it was robbed then. Also the Archbishop, or Laura, can’t contact Kanzaki, who is the former Amakusa head. So she asks Stiyl to do something before something silly happens.

On the way to the meeting place, Touma meets a sister wanting to go into academy city. Apparently she’s being pursued.

Agnese Sanctis, another sister reports to Stiyl about conflicting reports and she doesn’t know if the book is in their possession yet. Touma makes his arrival, and we find out that the sister he’s with is Orsola Acquinas. But she is quickly taken away as the Amakusa Catholic make their move.

So, more info as Index tells them not to worry, even though the Amakusa can jump through a vortex to escape far away, they can only do it when the date changes so they have four hours. Index locates the only vortex they can use and they all set up camp.

Elsewhere, the Amakusa begin to move for the escape.

If you’re wondering why I’m doing this blog, it’s because Kirayoshi is on holiday, so I’ll covering this series until he comes back. Which are probably this episode and the next one. I’m not covering the other series he does because I just don’t have the free time with my university a top priority.

So anyway, a very fast moving episode has me as confused about everything as I was last season. Though I did re-watch the first season to understand it better. But even then I can’t say I know everything. And now two episodes into the second season and my brain might explode… The first episode was alright, it was a standalone episode, so not too taxing for me to get. But in this episode they just threw a load of names and terms at me I had no idea what happened. So I had to re-watch it and slowly read everything, but I get it now. This, I assume, is the beginning of the main plotline. This is why I like this series, so hard to understand, and I love a challenge hehe.

So the basic jist of what happened was a powerful book was stolen by someone who’s bad and want to use it for evil and stuff, maybe, and the only person in the world who can decipher the book is on the ‘run’. But thanks to Touma, not all his fault, the enemy catches the person and is now making a run for it whilst the good guys are trying to stop them.

Slow first episode but a fast paced second episode, I like that. And it seems like we’ll see some nice action scenes in the next episode as well, I always love good magic fighting. Not a fan of sci-fi, but for some reason this series doesn’t bother me that much, probably because of the magic stuff involved.

Last thing, is it just me or does Amakusa look like a bunch of ordinary thugs…?

Anyway, apart from the unneeded ending scenes, a good episode. Let’s see more of that Imagine Breaker in action next episode then and more non-understandable religion jargon that makes no sense…