The troops stay in Hino to rest up for a day before moving on with Kondou being warmly welcomed. They even recruit some more people in Hino, and now their forces are over three hundred.

As they stop to rest Saitou and Hijikata’s concerns over the upcoming fight is known. They both know it’s a tough battle with the odds against them.

That night, Chizuru sees Saitou walking off alone and so follows him. They talk alone for a long time about what is being a warrior, until Shimada appears and brings bad news. It seems that the enemy has already entered Koufu castle and neither engaging nor retreating would be good. They send word to Kondou and gather the troops.

More bad news as half the troops cowardly flee once they hear that the castle was taken. But Kondou refuses to retreat, he plans to stay where he is and see the enemy’s next move. Hijikata leaves to gather reinforcements. He tells Chizuru to leave for a safe place, but she refuses, so he grants her request and charges her with protection of Kondou. But he tells her that she must not die. They make a warrior’s oath to both stay alive.

There’s a scene switch to some small house with two mysterious people, who declare that it’s their time to move.

As soon as Hijikata leaves, a new recruit opens fire on the enemy who’re closing in, and so the war begins. They’re losing men fast and are completely outnumbered. Even though they’re surrounded Kondou refuses to give up and recklessly charges out himself. After seeing his men die from cannon fire he finally gives in and orders everyone to retreat.

Kazama watches the fight and his people are here including Shiranui who meets Harada and starts a fight. But enemy forces interrupt them, who happen to be rasetsu who can fight in broad daylight.

Shiranui knows one person who would bring them out, it was Koudou.

For some reason I have no idea who this Koudou guy is at all… I do remember him slightly, although I think that’s because I kept mixing his name up with Kondou’s, can’t really blame me. Did he appear really early in the series or something? Or not mentioned much…? Hmm wait… is he Chizuru’s father who went missing? Yeah, I think that might be him, in which case, wow… he appeared out of nowhere, with ‘proper’ rasetsu too. Wonder why he’s the enemy though, and what he has to do with Kazama and his group. And I would love to see Chizuru meet up with him, though I doubt it’ll be the loving reunion one expects.

I thought it was rather nice to get some of Saitou’s history, no matter how little and his thoughts too. Just shows how much of a prideful and gentle person he is. I quite liked the scenery they put him and Chizuru in too, it suited his image perfectly. I wouldn’t mind SaitouxChizuru, though it’s looking like Hijikata at the moment.

I really lost some respect for Kondou in this episode. First thing he got back to his hometown, great, a short visit would’ve done, but no stay there too long and lose the castle. Recruiting new people on a whim? What do you expect they’ll do when they’re against the odds, run obviously, they’ve had no proper discipline training, of course they’ll get scared. And another thing I don’t get his stubborn attitude to not retreating, pride is one thing, but a battlefield of your men lying on the ground dead is another. Retreat can be a strategy, regroup and think of something new. That reckless charge by him was just ridiculous, no commander will charge out like that, unless they’re the reckless type of just plain idiotic and I don’t think Kondou’s either.

Anyway Hijikata’s gone to get reinforcements, maybe a fight back soon? With Sannan and gang as well perhaps? Although I’m more looking forward to what will happen now that Koudou’s made his appearance, and yeah I just looked him up he is Chizuru’s dad. So, can’t wait to see how the story turns now.

Last thing, I think we saw some more glimpses of HijikataxChizuru! Hehe… I wouldn’t mind it going that way, I like Hijikata, though to be honest Saitou’s probably my favourite hehe…

My internet is fine now, so no more delays in blogs from me.