In the freezing cold weather luHijikata attacks and takes down the Matsumae clan in Ezo. The Bakufu army then disembarks to west Hakodate. But they underestimated the weather and two of their ships sank. Luckily they managed to save most of the artillery and men.

Hijikata has a sudden vampiric impulse attack during a war council and steps out, but then starts hallucinating. It goes away soon enough, but leads him to think about Chizuru.

Back in Sendai, Chizuru meets Kazama who is still determined to finish his fight with Hijikata even if that straying from the path of the Oni.

Later Ezo was established as an independent country in Hakodate. With the first election gone, Hijikata is now the vice commissioner of the army.

In Sendai again, Ootori sends Chizuru a letter appointing her Hijikata’s attendant and she quickly travels to aid Hijikata. Realising that he misses Chizuru, he allows her to stay.

There’s a dilemma as the new government army’s ships are too strong, so the Bakufu navy decides on a strategy to surprise attack the ships. The attack goes horribly wrong and commander Kouga died in battle forcing them to retreat.

So another lost battle. I wonder how long they can hold up before their troops lose enough morale to surrender. Sure they’re all properly disciplined and trained, but even they must know they’re fighting a losing battle. Sooner or later they’ll all die, at least that’s the feeling I get. Ah, a tragic ending I foresee, well at least now I’ll be prepared for it.

I’m surprised Kazama didn’t try to attack Chizuru, what about wanting to make a pure blood Oni? Something happened, either I forgot or Kazama accepted that Chizuru doesn’t want to have anything to do with Onis. Still, he remains vigilant on wanting to finish his fight with Hijikata, I wonder if that’ll be Hijikata’s death, either that or Hijikata wins and dies from using too much energy. Whatever the case I really don’t see Hijikata surviving for too long.

For most of this episode everything seemed so normal and relaxed, like taking a break from all the fighting sorta. I was very disappointing with the easy journey Chizuru had as well, where was the windy waters and difficult arduous journey? They could’ve done so much more there than Chizuru just appearing in Ezo.

It seems Hijikata’s finally opening up to Chizuru, about time too, it’s nearing the end of the series. But it’s only going to end in tragedy though. Enjoy your life while you still can. I hope for a happy ending, but chances are low, so prepare yourself for a tragedy, I know I am, unless somehow the story turns completely on its head.