Kazehaya quickly grabs Kento and backs him into a fence. But Sawako says no one did anything wrong and Kazehaya lets go. Three guys come and see an angry Kazehaya with a happy Kento and crying Sawako. They joke that everyone’s hitting on Kazehaya and also jokes about him liking Sawako. But then he says he does!! Sawako doesn’t accept it though even though she really wants to. If Sawako doesn’t want to think of his confession that way, then Kazehaya will let her, and he walks away. Sawako chases after him whilst the other guys disperses.

Sawako catches up, but doesn’t know what to say and tears continue to flow out of her eyes. Kazehaya turns around and asks her why she’s crying. She just apologises again and again for being a bother to him. He denies that she’s ever a bother as he looked out for her because he likes her. He asks if she likes him. She nods! But he then says that their likes are probably different, she agrees again and Kazehaya walks away.

Sawako tells herself that she knew it was like this, but still she weeps.

The two skip classes, Sawako’s crying away by a building whilst Kazehaya’s on the roof watching the clouds.

The class notices they’re missing and Ayane becomes worried. She hopes the two are together but doubts it. She finds Kento and asks where Sawako is, he says outside by the benches so she and Chizuru head off.

Kurumi hears that Kazehaya sorta confessed to Sawako and also finds Kento and asks about what happened. He admits that he probably did something he shouldn’t have.

Pin gets freaked out after seeing Sawako sitting alone, in the dark, but then assumes what happened seeing as she and Kazehaya were absent together. He then gets a huge shock when she tells him that she was rejected. Ayane and Chizuru arrive and kick Pin away. They are shocked too when they hear what happened. But they knew it’s a misunderstanding. Chizuru gets annoyed at how Sawako always puts herself down and marches off, annoyed at the situation. Ayane gives Sawako a heart to heart uplifting talk before running after Chizuru.

It seems that Ayane was about to let slip that Kazehaya likes Sawako, but Chizuru said all that was needed so she didn’t.

With Ayane’s words in mind, Sawako wonders if she’s trying her hardest with Kazehaya.

It’s just one misunderstanding after another with this anime. But we’re all expecting this by now I suppose. Still, doesn’t stop me being depressed for hours after Kazehaya finally confessed to Sawako only to have it taken the wrong way and completely misunderstood. I blame the horrible timing and place of it. He wasn’t properly prepared for it and neither was she, which is why she thought it wasn’t the real deal as it kinda just came out of the blue and in front of joking laughing guys. Still, it was partially his fault for saying that extra bit, there was no need, if he left it at I like you, it’d been so much better. But he just had to assume and be pessimistic about it… I doubt they’ll ever be forward with each other…

I was quite annoyed last episode because of that Kento, but whilst I realised I was being a bit biased in my rage, it was agreed in this episode that he did say something completely unnecessary and I still hold him accountable for this misunderstanding. So therefore I still don’t like him. He better redeem himself soon, or Ayane will have something to say about it. Still, I’m surprised that Kento didn’t know about the two liking each other, thought he could’ve guessed.

I wonder why everyone is in denial about Kazehaya liking Sawako when he blatantly said it? Is it that hard to believe someone as kind-hearted as Kazehaya would fall for a gloomy Sawako? And let’s not forget that Sawako’s getting more popular as well. So what’s not to believe? Love works in weird ways.

I get the feeling that they’re spacing the storyline a bit much, this episode kinda dragged a bit, but I didn’t notice it until the very end when reviewing it. So I guess it’s not too bad doing it this way. They’re fleshing out the emotions much more, so giving up storyline for this is a good trade-off in my opinion.

Well, we got the confession, but it was ruined by the misunderstanding. I’m expecting another proper one when everything’s cleared up. Also, Ayane and Chizuru seem to be getting impatient as well, maybe they’ll do something. Either way, with everything going on, I’m hoping to see a lot more commotion in the next episode. Though I hope the misunderstanding will be cleared up, something tells me it’ll take a while.