You are currently browsing the daily archive for November 9, 2010.

With a short phone call Takagi manages to arrange an appointment with an editor named Hattori for 3pm the next day.

Takagi and Mashiro agree to meet at 1pm at the station, but they both arrived at 12pm. Neither of them could sleep.

On the train Takagi tells his tale of childhood about how his mum forced him to study everyday and one day he snapped which made his mum a better parent and let Takagi choose what he wants to do.

3pm and the two stand in front of the editorial department building. They nervously make their way inside and complete the formalities. They are directed to a large booth and wait there. Hattori appears a short while later and reads their manuscript. He finishes, but then reads it again.

As he reads we also read with him as a narrator dictates the manga lines and some voice actors play the people.

He finishes reading, says it’s well-done and offer them coffee. He then gives feedback. Too much narration make it more suitable to be a novel and apparently the drawings didn’t seem manga-ry. Hattori also concludes that Takagi’s the calculating type of mangaka who think what’ll be a hit then write it. Hattori gives them his card and email address and asks that they bring any future manuscripts to him and says that he’ll enter this manuscript into the monthly awards. All the while Mashiro is thinking if Hattori’s a good editor or not.

When they come out he thinks he is.

Back in the editorial department, Hattori makes a bold assertion that he thinks Mashiro and Takagi will surpass Eiji in 3 years.

We end as Mashiro and Azuki find out they are seated next to each other for the next trimester.

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Episode 3: My Little Sister Can’t Be This Cute

I think she has got wind

Kirino is busy modelling after school in the park. After a while they take a break, Kirino is sitting on a bench when Ayase sits next to her and asks her if she is free this Sunday to go somewhere. Ayase adds that she is working in the morning but is free in the afternoon. Kirino apologises that she is busy that day. At home, Kirino is on the phone to Kuroneko, having argument over different anime. Meanwhile, next door Kyousuke is on the phone to Manami, talking about his sister asking for advice. During the conversation, Kyousuke’s phone battery is low so ends the conversation telling Manami that he tell her more on Sunday. Kirino tells Kuroneko that she would lend her DVDs of an anime series on Sunday, Kuroneko ends the conversation as she needs to help little sister take a bath, which makes Kirino smile, she returns to her computer game and is depress as she is still stuck at 99% complete.

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November 2010


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