You are currently browsing the daily archive for November 17, 2010.

Episode 5: There’s No Way My Little Sister’s Best Friend Can Be This…

ED Theme: Orange by Ayana Taketatsu

She has no eyes

Ayase has spotted Kirino and goes over to her. Ayase asks what Kirino is doing here, but Kirino returns the question. Ayase tells her she is working on modelling and is taking a break. She asks Kirino again what she is doing here as she thought she was with the track team. Kirino then turns and glares at Kyousuke who then comes over to help. Ayase then assumes that the two are on a date, but both deny it. Ayase then spots Bajeena and Kuroneko behind them and asks if they are with them, Kirino replies that she doesn’t know those people. Kuroneko and Bajeena then leave without looking at Kirino and Kyousuke. Kyousuke thanks them in his mind as Ayase continues to ask Kirino. Kyousuke then tries to leave with Kirino, but Kirino is then grabbed by the arm. Ayase then demands that Kirino tells her what is going on. Kirino tries to leave again and Ayase grabs her bags which then rip open and the contents fall to the floor. Through the rain Ayase examines the contents of Kirino’s bag. Looking down she tells Kirino they cannot be friends anymore and not to talk her at school. Ayase then leaves, with Kyousuke and Kirino looking shocked. On the train home, Bajeena tells Kuroneko that she believes Kirino wasn’t being serious back there. Kuroneko replies that she knows and adds that humans are such unfortunate animals.

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November 2010


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