Episode 5: There’s No Way My Little Sister’s Best Friend Can Be This…

ED Theme: Orange by Ayana Taketatsu

She has no eyes

Ayase has spotted Kirino and goes over to her. Ayase asks what Kirino is doing here, but Kirino returns the question. Ayase tells her she is working on modelling and is taking a break. She asks Kirino again what she is doing here as she thought she was with the track team. Kirino then turns and glares at Kyousuke who then comes over to help. Ayase then assumes that the two are on a date, but both deny it. Ayase then spots Bajeena and Kuroneko behind them and asks if they are with them, Kirino replies that she doesn’t know those people. Kuroneko and Bajeena then leave without looking at Kirino and Kyousuke. Kyousuke thanks them in his mind as Ayase continues to ask Kirino. Kyousuke then tries to leave with Kirino, but Kirino is then grabbed by the arm. Ayase then demands that Kirino tells her what is going on. Kirino tries to leave again and Ayase grabs her bags which then rip open and the contents fall to the floor. Through the rain Ayase examines the contents of Kirino’s bag. Looking down she tells Kirino they cannot be friends anymore and not to talk her at school. Ayase then leaves, with Kyousuke and Kirino looking shocked. On the train home, Bajeena tells Kuroneko that she believes Kirino wasn’t being serious back there. Kuroneko replies that she knows and adds that humans are such unfortunate animals.

A bit too excited

Back at home, Kirino is in the shower whilst Kyousuke is on the phone to Bajeena. He tells her thanks for before as they were in a tricky situation. The next day, Kirino is off to the training camp as her mother tells her to do her best. Kyousuke looks on at Kirino, who is acting as if the incident with Ayase never happened. Later, Kyousuke continues playing the Siscalyse game and still loses. Meanwhile Kirino is slightly getting distracted whilst preparing for a sprint around the track. Kyousuke is then successful in the game and has unlocked the ability to fight other players. He then goes downstairs and pours himself a drink. At that moment Kirino returns back home, he goes and tells her that he can play other players with his character. Doesn’t look back and replies “Oh yeah?” and heads upstairs to her room.

Too tired to hit

Another day, Kyousuke confronts his sister about Ayase. She tells him to leave her alone but he becomes persistent and tells her that he has become a perverted siscon idiot of a brother, because he tried to get to know his sister a bit more. She tells him that she hasn’t made up with Ayase as she was more focused on her training camp and staying in top form. He tells her it is not like her not to give up on fixing things. Kirino starts to get angry and begins hitting Kyousuke. She continues hitting him until she breaks down in tears. She then tells him that the life counselling isn’t over. Later, Kyousuke is on the phone to Ayase; she informs him that she can’t associate with someone like that. She then asks what he thinks of Kirino’s hobby. He tells her that he sees nothing wrong with the hobby. Ayase tells him that she asked Kirino to drop the hobby to which she replied never. Ayase goes on about other people who are otaku fans who do lewd things to young girls and mentions about an otaku fan who tried to electrocute a girl because he had seen it in the game ‘Siscalyse’. Kyousuke looks through the internet and finds many news reports about the ‘Siscalyse’ incident and forums with people blaming Otaku and anime for all the bad things and suggest that these fans should die as well as make it illegal. Kyousuke figures it would be difficult to argue with Ayase as she has a strong point.

He can spit very far

Later, Kyousuke approaches his Dad and tells him a lie that a girl had seen his eroge anime stuff and asks what he should do. His choking on his drink, asks him what he wants. The following day, Kyousuke meets with Ayase in the park. He tells her that she won’t make up with Kirino because of her hobby that she won’t drop. He then goes on to tell her that he researched into the ‘SisCaly’ incident via his father who happened to be given some information on the case with the police. Kyousuke tells her that the criminal withdrew his ‘SisCaly’ statement later and told that he wanted to get violent with a girl. Ayase asks about the journalist’s report. Kyousuke tells her that the journalist released a statement, apologizing for make a misunderstanding, blaming anime and manga for the incident, the journalist goes on about providing more truthful information as the time calls. Ayase accuses Kyousuke of lying, but he tells her the article was smaller and was missed, he provides Ayase with the report. She reads it and apologizes for making a mistake, but still thinks the hobby is disgusting. She goes on to tell Kyousuke that this hobby is not who Kirino is and she demands to have the real Kirino back.

Kirino's callsign for help

Just then Kirino shouts at Ayase. Kirino had been watching and goes over to Ayase and tells her that she loves her friend as well as the manga. If she had to choose one it would be difficult as she loves them both equally. She goes on to say that she can’t lose both. Ayase looks into her eyes and sees she is not lying. Ayase would like to make up with Kirino but cannot accept her hobby as it is disgusting. Ayase starts crying on Kirino; Kirino turns and looks at Kyousuke sternly. Kyousuke roped into solving the current issue. He shows Ayase a manga comic with some lewd things inside. He goes on to tell her that he has a forbidden love for his sister. Ayase makes up with Kirino but shouts at Kyousuke to stay away from Kirino and they both run off. Later, Kyousuke gets a message from Ayase telling him that she and Kirino made up but if he hurts Kirino she would kill him. Later at home, Kirino is on the phone to Ayase and tells her he hasn’t done anything to harm her. After the phone call she asks Kyousuke for her computer. He tells her he would bring it to her later, but she tells him to bring it down now to challenge Kyousuke to the game on the computer.

I didn’t like this episode and I have been putting it off blogging it so didn’t have to watch it again. Now I grit my teeth in order to blog it. Ayase hated the anime and manga stuff. From the last episode, I thought she would be a secret fan of that type of thing as she was at the summer Comiket, but it was the exact opposite. From the first three minutes of the episode I knew I had got it wrong and that the episode would turn sour. Nevertheless it all worked out in the end, except for Kyousuke, who is now viewed as a pervert in Ayase’s eyes. Also a new ED theme and quite a nice song too, maybe I just adore Ayana Taketatsu’s voice. Anyway this bad episode is over; let’s hope the next episode is better.