You are currently browsing the daily archive for November 18, 2010.

Episode 6: There’s No Way My Childhood Friend Can Be This Cute

ED Theme: “Maegami” by Satomi Satou

You're going to teach only me

Manami is talking to Kyousuke at school. She tells him it is Halloween and that her place has made some Japanese sweets for a fair. She invites Kyousuke over to sample some after school. He accepts her invitation. Manami is then called over by another girl and goes over. Another male classmate; Kouhei Akagi (I think) approaches Kyousuke and starts talking to him. Kouhei asks Kyousuke if he and Manami are dating. Kyousuke denies it casually, although they look it as they have known each other for years. Kouhei then asks him if he has feelings for her, which he also denies. Kouhei then goes on about if another guy asks her out would he allow it, to which Kyousuke strongly opposes anyone dating Manami. Kouhei then summarises that though Kyousuke is not dating nor have feelings for her, he will not allow anyone to date her.

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One night Saitou follows Sannan but loses him. He then hears loud groans and moves in that direction to see Amagiri fighting an out of control Rasetsu and helps kill it. Amagiri explains that this Rasetsu is from the Tosa clan who escaped and are murdering people in Edo. He was ordered to verify this fact and eliminate it.

Amagiri then explains about a Rasetsu’s origin of power. Which is their life force, they use it up faster to have greater strength, speed, fast regeneration etc. So the more they use, the faster they’ll die. He asks Saitou to pass on this information to the Rasetsu in the Shinsengumi and leaves. All the while, Sannan watches from afar.

Later in the morning, Hijikata tells Sannan that he’s not allowed more Rasetsu because he knows the flaw of a Rasetsu and won’t allow the research to go any further.

Moving on, Lord Yoshinobu is locked in Kan’ei Temple so the Shinsegumi can’t really fight in Edo. They now move to Aizu, which is Lord Katamori’s land. Hijikata orders Heisuke, Sannan and the Rasetsu unit to move out first because of not wanting them to mix with the new recruits.

Chizuru asks Hijikata to stop using Rasetsu powers and he sorta agrees, but then he gets a sudden urge to drink blood. Chizuru tries to cut her finger to give him blood but he stops her and shuns her out of the room.

Later, the Shinsegumi move to a new base and Saitou takes the new recruits out for drills so they’re not with everyone else.

As Chizuru is bringing tea to Kondou, they’re suddenly surrounded by the enemy. Hijikata volunteers to go out and buy some time but Kondou orders him to escape whilst he buys some time. Being an order Hijikata has no choice but to obey and he readies everyone. Kondou gives Chizuru a bag of money and tells her to flee now, but she says she’ll go with Hijikata.

Later, Hijikata, Shimada and Chizuru with a group of Shinsegumi escape out the back leaving Kondou behind. But on the way they meet a large group of the enemy. Hijikata decides to take them on alone and even though he’s outnumbered and shot twice, he carries on fighting using his Rasetsu powers. He kills them all, but is still frustrated. Chizuru embraces him and tries to calm him down.

At the end we see Kondou get taken away by the enemy.

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November 2010


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