You are currently browsing the daily archive for November 28, 2010.

New year, new school term and Rihoko is determined to find new tea club members.

Seems like Junichi and Rihoko’s relationship hasn’t made much progress, but she doesn’t mind and would be fine if it stays this way. She sees Junichi eating alone and decides to join him.

They visit the tea club later where they try to get Junichi to join again, even willing to name him the new president. But he still dodges the question. On the way home, Rihoko thinks about how well she’s been treated by her seniors at the tea club so she wants to repay them somehow. After getting fired up she suddenly gets hungry and so she and Junichi go for some cake.

At the tea club again, Manaka and Ruriko try a very direct approach of getting Junichi to join the tea club and get him and Rihoko together at the same time. However, this makes Junichi rather flustered and he leaves.

Rihoko is in class wondering if giving Choux Crème for valentine’s day is strange, but her friends tells her that Junichi will like anything she gives  him. Which turns out to be quite true as she gives Junichi the Choux Crème and the two happily eat them together.

Soon it’s graduation and Ruriko and Manaka leaves the Tea Club. But before they do, Junichi has a little surprise present for them and hands in his form to join the Tea Club.

We end with a nice tea party as Junichi and Rihoko try to recruit new members for the tea club.

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November 2010


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