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Ichigo arrives and saves Rukia from the fall. He then greets Yammy with a less than impressed look.

He leaves Rukia some place safe and rushes off to engage Yammy. A few quick strikes and a hollowfied Getsuga, and Yammy collapses on the ground. Ichigo stops and realises that his mask felt different, it was heavier, he thinks back and wonders if it was ‘that’ that caused this.

Yammy gets back up and reveals a small cut wound where Ichigo attacked. Seems Yammy is indeed strong. But that doesn’t stop Ichigo, he’s faced many stronger opponents and never had a strategy in mind. He states that he needs to defeat Yammy, so he will.

Angered by such idiotic reasoning, Yammy fires a barrage of bala shots at Ichigo pushing him further and further back.

Disgusted by Yammy’s lack of respect for his comrades Ichigo tries to put his mask back on and fight back, but it disperses before he could. Yammy took this opening and grabs Ichigo.

Elsewhere, Mayuri is taking a leisurely stroll wheeling around a large cage full of… ‘things’…

Back to the fight now, as Ichigo’s about to be squashed, literally, Kenpachi and Byakuya come to his aid.

Byakuya tells Ichigo to return to the real world where he is needed. Ichigo retorts that he needs to kill Yammy first and it’s not easy to return to leave hueco mundo. But that’s sorted by Mayuri’s timely arrival, with a garganta he ‘found’.

Ichigo is test subject one to go through it. Unohana makes her appearance and decides to go with him. Ichigo is still reluctant to leave, but Byakuya tells Ichigo that his duty is to protect that town, and with that Ichigo is convinced and sets off for Karakura town.

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A short flashback of the good old days of Yuki and Kanata back in the orphanage, before we are back in the present again.

Kanata, or rather, Giou Reiga commands Cadenza to retreat, and when he refuses Reiga summons out chains to constrain him. Summoner’s bonds they’re called, which burns the Duras who disobeys its master.

After hearing Yuki’s gone, Hotsuma and Shusei, who just arrived at the residence, rush off again to where they sensed powers clashing.

Back at the fight, Cadenza knows that Reiga is in control of two general classes, so his power’s divided, meaning he’s strong enough to break free of the chains. So Cadenza summons his power and shatters the chains. He then immediately attacks Yuki but is intercepted by Reiga. A short fight breaks out with neither Cadenza nor Reiga having the edge.

Reiga then tries to send Cadenza back to the Infernus but Cadenza attacks before he could finish the spell. Now Cadenza seems to have the edge as he goes for a finishing blow. However, a third great power, Luka joins the fray and intervenes Cadenza’s attack. Luka enters a stare off and lets his powers grow to its capacity, which is so great that even the birds flee from the scene.

Toko and Tsukumo arrive and they, Yuki, Senshiro and Kuroto are about to leave before Cadenza’s impatient nature results in him sending an attack at them. Luka quickly moves to block but it was turned to ice by Reiga before it reached. After seeing Reiga protect them, Yuki refuses to leave and asks Reiga why he protected him.

Reiga waves it off and says that it’s all part of his plan. As time drags on Hotsuma and Shusei arrive as well. And the three way standoff continues.

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So my brother Burnah has been watching and reviewing each episode of the Zombie Anime Highschool of the Dead and I promptly took to watching it too after reading his reviews and well, liking the look of it, up to know it’s good. This is my half way through review of it (mainly because I can’t be arsed to review each episode individually) and up to know I am not disappointed!

The first half has done what all good shows should do, that certain chemistry that helps with viewing, set the foundation for the shows theme (zombies, drama, comedy, fun, serious, consistent, scantly clad girls), introduced characters to get used to (the good the bad and the scantly clad girls), bought in a good story arc to follow (Japanese High Schoolers on a mission to survive and make of what has come of their beloved homeland, scantly clad girls) and action, good amounts of action are within this show, which you can enjoy and looks good at the same time, also scantly clad girls (just watch it, you will see what I mean)!

The show itself is drawn beautifully, as a fan of comic books I am keen to see good artwork and I am glad to see that anime has come along quite well, since I never really liked the older stuffs art work (does not mean I didn’t like the shows!). The intro, action sequences and just generalfeel of the show is a delight to watch thanks to the artwork, its clean a crisp with very good detail and the use of blurring and effects really adds to certain moments, you can really get a feel for the scenery as if you were actually there, you can really get a sense for it all.

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Episode 9: How Much Will You Pay? / I See! We Have Nothing to Do! With That! / Venezuela

Rule #9: Always carry a condom (I knew you would say that one day! – Tsuda)

Impending pain

This episode had an odd intro, what they started with is a recap of the previous episode but turns out to be a useless recap. It also has Takatoshi changing his uniform to winter, even though it is still hot and in October.  After the unusual opening, Aria is busying cleaning but states that you can never be too clean sparking Shino to say that people like dirty underwear. Suzu complains about her height; being too short just before a football sails over her head and hits Takatoshi instead. Read the rest of this entry »


Starts off by recapping the last episode, which is pretty good, getting you straight back into that tense thought of , ‘oh no, Takashi and Saeko, how ever will you last!?’ Heh heh.

They are fine, come on we all know they’d be fine. Two of the best thinkers and fighters in the team, and they are left with each other? How could they not be fine. They are so fine they even find an amazing 6 wheeled jeep-like vehicle that can go into water as well. Of course Takashi wants to try this out, splash, straight into there. One hell of a funny bit, I really could not stop laughing – should have seen it coming really. Like a log flume, all the water got over them.. and turns into a wet T-shirt competition, with Saeko winning. Takashi loves this, just look at his reaction.. heh heh.

They stop off on a sand bank in the middle of the river, good thinking actually. They talk of how Takashi was told not to play here as a child, he goes on to realise Saeko is freezing cold. Like a gentleman – he gets her a clean dry shirt to put on, now creating slight awkwardness between them both as she has to get topless while he’s not looking. One funny thing I thought of now, she asks if she looks ‘strange’.. I think ‘strange’ is not the word for it love.

They soon get going, racing through the streets. Takashi aims for a park fountain, splashing him and Saeko yet again. She snaps ‘Do you like making girls wet?’, erm….*Cough.

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