Episode 26: The Visit!

Happy Days

Mio is cornered in the storeroom by Ritsu, Ritsu wants draw on Mio’s eyelids. Meanwhile Yui and Mugi are talking to Azusa when Azusa notices something about Yui and Mugi’s eyes. They both dismiss anything wrong and are forced to glance away from Azusa as they were trying not to blink. Ritsu and Mio finally join them having a group (family) photograph with Mugi holding a baby doll, as the picture was taken, everyone except Azusa had shut their eyes, having drawn eyes on their eyelids with a marker. It turns that the picture was marking the day when Azusa joined the club (Also it’s the picture on the K-ON! Volume 5 DVD/Blu-Ray) and now she is looking at the photo all alone in the club room.

Orange Power

Later, everyone is in the club room eating tangerines (I think) Azusa wonders why the rest of them are in school since they have no lessons. Yui replies that they are waiting for something important to be delivered; just then Nodoka enters the room. It turns out that Nodoka mention that a sample copy of the yearbook was being delivered today and that why the senior club members have come in to see it. Opening it up, Mio and Ritsu complain about their photographs, with Yui complaining even more demanding to have the photograph taken again. Nodoka brings up that there is a problem, which concerns Miss Sawako. Sawa-Chan was suppose to check over the yearbook and send it back tomorrow, Azusa asks what has happened to Sawa-Chan. Ritsu and Mugi puts on the waterworks saying that they cannot bring themselves to say it; Azusa almost turns teary-eyed and asks again to Mio what has happened to Sawa-Chan. Mio replies that she caught the flu and is off sick; Azusa fell for the joke by Ritsu and Mugi making her grumpy. The seniors decide to go off to deliver the yearbook for Sawa-Chan to check over; with Yui more so as she wants Sawa-Chan’s approval to change her photo. Azusa returns to class while the others leave the school.

Aww... cute Sawa-Chan

They go to Sawa-Chan’s Apartment, having delusions of Sawa-Chan’s apartment whether she has a boyfriend over or apartment decor is the essence of “Death Devil”.  Upon arriving, they look for apartment 403, but Ritsu ends up ring the bell of 405; forcing Mio to hold Ritsu back from running away so that she can apologise, however no one answers and they are off the hook. Suddenly Sawa-Chan opens her door and the girls end up hiding around the corner, Ritsu wonders why they are hiding. They eventually ring the doorbell and Sawa-Chan answers, after being a bit cryptic on why they are there, they enter the apartment. Meanwhile, back at school Jun asks Azusa what she is up to today, she replies that she unsure yet. Ui replies that to let her know as she is flexible in her schedule; Azusa thanks her. In Sawa-Chan’s apartment, Mugi makes tea while Yui searches Sawa-Chan’s wardrobe (Sexy!) and finds her yearbook. They look at her old photograph when she was in Sakura High School, when Yui remembers to give her their yearbook.

Thank God No one jump out the window!!

Sawa-Chan then begins to look over the photographs. Yui then tells Sawa-Chan that her picture needs to be replaced, but Sawa-Chan dismisses the request as she finds it cute. Mugi then spots something in the senior group picture; a mysterious hand on Yui’s shoulder. Everyone except Mugi reel back in terror with Sawa-Chan demanding what happened; remembering that the picture was taken before their school trip. Suddenly Ritsu remembers something and then nonchalantly says it needs to be replaced. Mio then confronts Ritsu with the picture. Ritsu avoids looking at the book. Mio concludes that it was Ritsu hand in the picture and dispenses a fitting punishment by whacking Ritsu on the head. Sawa-Chan decides to leave it the picture as it is.

A Sweet Bitter Beauty View

While Sawa-Chan looks over the rest of the yearbook, the girls decide to help Sawa-Chan out by preparing dinner and doing her laundry. Yui wins the Rock-Paper-Scissors game (with Scissors) to cook dinner, dashing Sawa-Chan’s hopes for Mugi. While Yui is clueless in the kitchen, Sawa-Chan receives a call from Azusa, wondering if the girls are still at her place, Sawa-Chan replies yes and asks whether she would like to come; Azusa declines the offer and hangs up. Azusa then tells Jun and Ui that the seniors are still at Sawa-Chan’s and it would be fine. Meanwhile, Sawa-Chan continues looking through the photos and recollects the one of the photos of the Light Music Club (Also used as an image on the K-ON! volume 2 DVD/Blu-Ray). The girls then watch the sunset when they see the “older” light music club, the former members of “Death Devil”. They had come to visit Sawa-Chan, so the girls head back to school. One of Sawa-Chan’s friends wonders and asks whether the Light Music Club would be disbanded again, but Sawa-Chan states that the Club will live on.

Quick Run its Catwowan!!

The girls return back to school, when Yui hears Azusa practicing. She runs to the club room but stops just outside when she hears Jun and Ui practicing with her. The rest of the girls catch up and Mio suggests leaving them to practice. Suddenly, Azusa opens the door prompting the senior girls to run. Azusa plays “Fuwa Fuwa Time” with Jun and Ui (not seen, but heard) whilst the girls run through the school corridors and outside. Finally there is a reminiscence of one of the photos, this time they had to jump when the photo is taken, they practice jumping in time. However when the time comes and Sawa-Chan takes the photo, everyone jumps, except Mio who misses her cue (Also used as an image on the K-ON! volume 7 DVD/Blu-Ray).

Fond Farewell!!!

After the ED Theme “NO, Thank You!” the preview runs through clips of the entire series with Yui walking across the screen and finally announcing the confirmation of… K-ON! THE MOVIE!!! (YAY!!)


Well that wraps up season 2 of K-ON!! Quite an enjoyable episode but it is still an extra with the general ending happening 2 episodes ago (Episode 24). Although it has continued the storyline with what resulted of the senior photographs but that is it really. I suspected that they would probably do a 3rd season but only 12 episodes long, but a movie conformation is an even better surprise; even surprised Asami Sanada (Sawa-Chan’s seiyuu) who said so on her Twitter page. However, when the seniors go to university, Sawako did say that the Light Music Club will live on and I do believe I know who (***SPOILER LINK!!***). Anyway, one thing is for sure… They WILL BE BACK!!!