Episode 14: Stairway to Heaven

Damn! What was 1+1= again

Set in between episodes 4 &5, everyone is in the classroom having lessons (N.B. Tension meter in the corner; at 2). Yuri has come up with ‘Operation High Tension Syndrome’. The plan is for the members to behave as excited as possible, so they would appear to be enjoying school without disappearing. Yuri hopes this will make Tenshi wonder what’s happening and lead them straight to God. The must keep up the act from 9am to 9pm; 12 hours. If the operation fails, they will go with no food for a week, except Yuri who tells them that she will be monitoring Tenshi. This shocks everyone.

Date me! or Else!

Later, Ooyama is furiously demolishing a big packet of crisps; suddenly Yui stands up and demands to go out with Hinata. Hinata jumps up and turns her down as he is going to play a game of catch with Otonashi. Swiftly, Yui changes her mind and tells them that she is going to practice with Girls De Mo; furiously playing the guitar, before kicking down the door and running off down the corridor. Hinata turns to Otonashi saying that they are going to play catch, when abruptly Noda smashes the table with his halberd and demands that he joins the game, as he would like to bat. Matsushita also joins in and demands that he would be an outfielder. Takamatsu also joins; highlighting that he has the body muscles to play baseball. All excited they all run out of the room; dragging Otonashi with them. Yuri then asks what the rest of them are doing. Fujimaki turns to Ooyama and asks him to go with him to the cafeteria eat something, he also invites TK along. Fujimaki turns to ask Shiina, however she has gone. So the three head to the cafeteria; leaving Yuri who smiles.

I want more food!!!

In the cafeteria, Ooyama, Fujimaki and TK are swiftly eating their plates of food, as they finish, they leap out of their seats and rush to get some more food. Meanwhile, the others acquire the baseball equipment and head to the field; filled with extreme enthusiasm. However, before they reach the field they are stopped by Tenshi, who asks them where they are going. Hinata jumps out and tells her they are going to play baseball, as it makes them feel youthful. She then tells them that the second period is about to start, which makes them feel lack lustred. This is short lived however, as they then suddenly become all excited about studying; as it is a part of youth as well. In class, everyone gets overly excited over Japanese history and even in the next class of World history, which shocks both teachers over their enthusiasm; with Tenshi just look at them and Yuri smiling.

...and it's GO! GO! GO! for the Rag cleaning Grand Prix!!!

After class, the gang is ready to play some baseball and they are overly excited. However, Tenshi hands Hinata a mop and tells them they haven’t finished cleaning yet. Suddenly, they then become excited over cleaning and then challenge each other by rag cleaning. They line up in the corridor and race each other, making other NPCs jump out of the way. They pass Naoi; who asks what they are doing. Otonashi, lagging behind, then passes him, tells him to just ignore them. Noda reaches the stairs and states that he has won, however Hinata tells him that they have the second floor to do, so they all charge up the stairs. Otonashi finally reaches the stairs and wonders if they are really enjoy themselves.

Aww even the guitar's got a plaster

Meanwhile, Yui is playing wildly with Sekine; who states that she loves Yui’s songs. Yui then makes a statement that she is a woman of Naniwa, before returning back to some more head-banging riffs. Hisako wonders if Yui is going to bear the entirety of Osaka, which makes them stop playing. Sekine then whispers to Hisako that they are in ‘Operation High Tension Syndrome’ and the cost of failure. This inspires Hisako to play with them. While playing, Hisako is in awe over Yui, to which Yui returns the favour and then wonders what is going on inside Hisako’s head. This results in Yui getting hit over the head by an angry Hisako, who has to be restrained by the others. Yui then suggests that they have a concert outside in the field, which everyone agrees.

May be they are eating for two...

In the cafeteria, Ooyama and Fujimaki have polished off several plates of food and now they have bulging stomachs. Fujimaki thinks that they eaten enough to last them for a week. However, Ooyama tells him that the fasting for a week would also include water, as Yuri told him. This makes, Fujimaki get off his seat and move around. He then suggests that they go and exercise in the field by getting TK to teach them to dance. TK unfortunately exits the toilet looking pale. Fujimaki, tells TK of their plan to exercise, TK gives a thumbs up before turning purple. Outside in the gym storage, Shiina is doing something with some cuddly toy cats. Out in the field, Hinata asks what Girls De Mo is doing in the field. She replies that they are having a concert, with the rest of the school present. Hinata argues with Yui, when Ooyama, Fujimaki and TK also argue they want to dance. They all argue, until Otonashi shouts out for them to have a sports festival. They all agree and participate in several events; Relay race, Pole Topple, Ball Toss, Group Gymnastics, Bread Eating Race and Cheerleading for the girls and guys.


Above the field, Yusa reports to Yuri on the others high spirits. Yuri meanwhile, is spying on Tenshi, who is currently having a council meeting. Back in the gym storage, Shiina is continuing with the cats, when some students enter and grab some equipment, Shiina then notices a cuddly cat is attached to one of the equipment. The floodlights are switched on, on the field and the students begin the cavalry event. Everyone gets stuck in, grabbing people’s headbands off. Yuri looks on and laughs at the success of the ‘Operation High Tension Syndrome’. Suddenly, Yuri then spots Shiina running on to the field and mows down everyone to grab the cuddly bear, which shocks Yuri that she may have ruined the plan. Just then Tenshi exits the meeting and heads to the field. Yuri arrives onto the field to see Tenshi face to face with Shiina. Tenshi asks what she has done. Shiina holds up the cat doll and asks her to look at it. She then screams at the top of her voice “cute!!!” (Tension meter: 9999).

Bad Light!!! Evil Light!!!

Tenshi disarms her swords and walking passed Yuri she mumbles on how she should report this. This alerts Yuri, who then gathers the gang. They follow Tenshi into the abandoned Infirmary building. The follow her to the basement and watch her enter a password on the keypad. The huge doors next to her open and she enters. Yuri hopes that they now meet God and they charge through the doors, shielding their eyes from the bright light. They then open their eyes and look on in shock to a beautiful garden. It turns out that Tenshi slipped out on the council meeting to check on the turnips she was growing as the word “cute” reminded her and wonders on how she should report this to the council. This angers Yuri and demands Tenshi to explain about the high security door. Suddenly the door opens to the rest of the gang, with Ooyama stating it was easy that just pushing ‘open’ would activate the doors. Yuri wonders about the password, to which Tenshi tells her that she was calculating the Gardening club budget on a calculator.

Must of been one heck of a party...

Yuri gets angry and screams that the SSS would fast for a week, which shocks everyone (Tension meter: 100 à -900). One week later, an anorexic Yui struggles to play the guitar and drops her guitar pick. She apologises for not being able to play as she carried on with the bands wishes, however she believes she is at her limit and then collapses onto the floor. An anorexic Yusa; who is lying on the floor reports to Yuri that the Girls De Mo members are down.  Yuri is swigging on a bottle of water in the club room, surrounded by SSS members, dead or dying from starvation. She tells her that they won’t die and that they would be ok. Yusa then says that Yuri is the best villain of all, before pasting out. (BAD END)

This episode was really funny; I never got that enthusiastic at school before. Actually this was not the episode I was expecting, but it was good nevertheless. I was hoping for something on the lines of after graduation; maybe something like this **SPOILER**. However, that would be asking for too much now. I think Key would now pack up and leave Angel Beats! now it is finished, but I hope they would do an episode of ‘After Graduation’, but I doubt it. So therefore, I leave you with a nice desktop HQ wallpaper of Angel Beats. Enjoy 🙂

