That wish is Blasphemy                    

Key Events

Yuzuki stays over at Ruko’s and comes clean with what her wish entails.

Later at school Hitoe, Ruko and Yuzuki become good friends and enjoy some lighthearted WIXOSS games without their LRIGs so they aren’t playing for their wishes and just for fun.

Akira comes by Ruko’s school and uses her ‘charm’ to get everyone on her side once to find Ruko who had already left, so they will tell her when Ruko is available. The next day everyone gangs up on Ruko and despite Yuzuki’s resistance they eventually catch her and bring her to Akira. However it seems that Ruko’s up for the battle and so is Tama.

But when Akira leads Ruko to her dressing room they are interrupted by Iona and then by Akira’s manager who drags Akira off for her next photo shoot.

Iona proposes to duel Ruko, but then stops when she somehow finds out that Ruko doesn’t have any wishes. She then leaves saying that having no wishes and still being a Selector is a blasphemy that won’t go unpunished.


First thing’s first, is it just me or did the animation quality drop a little? For some reason I felt Hitoe’s face went weird, though it might be my foggy glasses.

More things hinted at although very little was given, something that Tama doesn’t know. I’m not completely sure what to make of it. All I’m hoping is for something dark, like Tama’s sadistic nature for battle transferring to Ruko, but hopefully something ‘worse’. Which is plausible with the mentions of how ‘scary’ Ruko is. I wonder what that’s about. I was hoping that the duel with Ruko vs Akira happen and some dark power takes over Ruko to destroy Akira so that she never wants to duel again. I imagine that would be fun to watch.

I’m glad to see Yuzuki ‘coming out’ so to speak, that must be a lot of weight off her shoulders. She should feel much better now, and Ruko accepted her with no hesitation. Although with Ruko’s slightly distant response I feel that she didn’t understand the implications of Yuzuki’s wish. Either that or she’s just very accepting. This outcome of events may make Yuzuki stronger and more resistant to others’ taunts at her immoral wish. I think she needs to learn that whatever you want there’re always going to be people against it, the only differences is the amount of people against you. Stay true to yourself and you’ll at least have a better chance of success, whether it’s right or wrong.

I don’t know why Yuzuki was persistent on getting Ruko to run. She may as well duel or everyday at school will be the great escape. And having no wish means Ruko’s probably the least affected by Akira. In fact she just enjoys the card game, she’s probably the perfect opponent for her as Akira will try to target her weakness which will be non-existent, moreover she’s making Ruko do something she wants to.

Right, well the hints here and there the anime’s managed to pique my interest again. I guess the whole undertone of the card game will be enough to keep me here like before. The fact that you know there’s something more to this card game than meets the eye adds so much to anything that seems normal on the surface. I believe atmosphere is a very important factor in WIXOSS and it was reinforced this episode. Reinforced, but still not permanent, though that does provide the mystery side of things and being still early in the series there’s definitely no harm in staying like this and building up to a good climax. As long as it is good one.