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Help! – MM! OP Theme (Heaven VS. Hell)

I could not think of another song for this section, then looking at the banner on the home page, I got it.

I was originally going to blog about this earlier, but just didn’t get round to it. I find these songs very catchy and hence I bought the CD. The funny thing about this song is that there are two versions; Heaven and Hell (see Home Page Banner for inspiration). The Hell version was used in Episodes 1-4 and the Heaven version used in 5-12. There are differences to each song, with only Ayana sing the Hell version, whilst Saori Hayami; who voices MM!’s resident Androphobic Arashiko Yunno, joins her for the Heaven version. From the additional voice between them and the slight change of the music, there is really not much difference (Unless you understand the words, I can’t. I just like Ayana’s voice). So listen and enjoy. If you don’t like then I’ll let Mio-senpai chase you with a baseball bat, pig-boy…

Help!! -Hell Side- [Full] Ayana Taketatsu

Help!! -Heaven Side- [Full] Ayana Taketatsu & Saori Hayami

(N.B. This link, the uploader forgotten to mention Saori Hayami sings with Ayana… baka!)

Mio and Arashiko

6. Be As One by W-inds
5. 99% by BOWL
4. Summer Song by YUI
3. Smile -You & Me- by Elisa
1. Zankoku na Tenshi no THESE by Yoko Takahashi

Episode 9: MFC`s Elegant Conspiracy

What are Jawas doing here!?!

The student chairman, Kirino is reading to the class about the upcoming Sakuramori festival that starts tomorrow and adding that the class should be proud and enjoy themselves. After the statement, Kirino speaks with Tarou about him being a member of the Second Volunteering Club; asking would the club have a stall setup at the festival. Tarou tells her that they have setup a trouble resolving booth in order to advertise their group. He asks her if she has any problems to come and visit them. She slightly blushes and tells him that she will be busy tomorrow and then excuses herself. She then leaves the classroom with a backward glance. During the scene there are several flashes of scenes of students wearing hoods approaching a shadowy figure; lit up by a bright light. The final scene has the students turn and their eyes glow red through their hoods.

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Episode 8: B and L Patterned Love

Take a vow of silence

Mio is in the club room trying to hypnotize Tarou; impatiently. She tells Arashiko that she watched on TV the night before and practiced. Suddenly Tarou falls asleep from the hypnotizing. Mio goes over to Tarou and whispers into his ear and tells him to end every sentence with “Big Boobs”. She snaps her fingers and Tarou comes to. She asks him if he is ok, he replies he is but ends the sentence with “Big boobs”. He then realises what he had said and becomes distressed over every sentence he says, ends with “Big boobs”. Mio is happy that she thinks that his masochism would be cured this time.

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Episode 7: A Midsummer’s Love Triangle?

Too cute

Mio is standing in a rubber dingy with a smile on her face. Arashiko watches her, sitting in a rubber ring. Suddenly Yumi appears out of the water next to her, which surprises Arashiko. Yumi plays with Arashiko, while Michiru takes photos of them from the beach. A huge sign behind Michiru warns people that swimming is forbidden as the waters are shark infested. Tarou pops out of the water, with his usual masochist face. Mio shouts at him tell him that the plan is to cure his condition using the sharks around in the waters. Mio also states that this is the club’s special training camp. Just below Tarou in the water, a silhouette of shark lurks.

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Episode 6: My Mayhem-Filled Home

He is going to drown

Tarou is asleep when his sister is watching him with loving eyes, until she can’t take it anymore and tries to kiss him, but she is interrupted by Tarou’s phone ringing. She picks it up and is shocked to find a message from Arashiko to Tarou about studying for a test. This also shocks their mother as well who just so happens to appear out of nowhere. They search more of Tarou’s phone to find several more messages from Arashiko. They now believe that Arashiko is trying to steal Tarou away from them. So they both plan to get rid of Arashiko and keep her away from Tarou so they can have him to themselves.

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