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So back to blogging the animes!
If you have been reading my site, I have blogged the entire first series of Highschool Of The Dead, quite a good horror, zombie-apocalypse anime.

This anime is brand new, it may be Yaoi – which is boy-love orientated, but I have nothing against that and with it aside, it looks like a decent watch.
Just a quick glimpse of what it is – it is set in a post apocalyptic future after World War 3, were street fighting has become the rage. We follow lead character – Akira who was jailed for a crime he didn’t commit. He is then told he will be given his freedom if he hunts down ll Rey, the strongest guy in Toshima (a city ruled by a crime syndicate), he accepts.

So now you know the basic story, let’s get straight to the first episode.

I quite liked the opening scene, basically saying the streets of what was Japan are now stained red with blood. It is no longer recognisable as a place people used to inhabit – this is the hell it has come to now.
And wow at the opening sequence. Showing us a few of the characters to come, with some damn good music! If this anime carries on with the heavy stuff, I’m going to quite like this. Read the rest of this entry »

Hotsuma walks down a hallway and recalls Takashiro telling him to keep an eye on Yuki.

It seems that Hotsuma has some sort of past with Yuki, otherwise I don’t see a reason for him to dislike him.

The little girl from last time, who Yuki left with a doctor comes to return his handkerchief when Luka senses a Duras and runs off. Hotsuma sees Luka running up stairs so he goes to find Yuki.

The girl’s eyes go blank and she runs off as well, so Yuki follows her. She walks into the hands of a stranger who then holds a knife to her throat and just as he was about to stab her Yuki knocks him out of the way.

On the roof of the building before, Luka catches up with the Duras and kills it.

The guy Yuki knocks down gets back up. He’s a Duras and has reinforcements. Luckily Hotsuma’s there.

In a building, Takashiro tells Shusei to use a dome like thing that covers the city and makes normal people disappear, temporariliy I’m assuming. Reminds me of fuzetsu from Shakugan no Shan, if anyone’s seen it.

The Duras keep coming and Hotsuma isn’t able to kill them all. There was a sudden explosion which wipes out all the Duras at once coming from Luka.  They all get up again, it seems they’re just dolls that someone’s controlling.

Luka chants a long incantation and summons up a powerful dragon whilst Hotsuma distracts the Duras with his flaming scythe shaped sword. After the dragon wipes out the Duras, Yuki is seen being strangled by that little girl who’s been possessed by a Duras. As Yuki pulls the girl’s hands away he catches a glimpse of her memories, a girl who was shunned by her parents as they have no time for her. Yuki activates God’s Light and stuns the Duras possessing her and Shusei, who finally makes it there, releases her from the girl’s body. Hotsuma then kills her.

Shusei releases the barrier and all the damage is reverted back to the way they were before. Yuki hands the girl over to Takashiro who came with Shusei.

Shusei explains that Duras invade the darkness in people’s hearts and then control them. And also, Opast level Duras, the highest I think, have beautiful human forms, which makes Yuki wonder if Luka is an Opast.

Shusei and Hotsuma take their leave. Yuki is happy that his power can help people. And we finish the episode there.

Is it just me, or does the last two episodes seem slow to you? Well nothing much got done this episode. A fight with a Duras who probably doesn’t even matter, otherwise she wouldn’t have been killed up so easily. Although the episode did show off Hotsuma’s abilities and Luka’s amazing dragon, I really want to see that in battle now, not against some mud dolls at least, I adore dragons. Also, it seems Hotsuma disliked the past Yuki but he’s now different, I wonder if he’s talking about the female one, whatever the reason, that’s another background story that I want to hear like I mentioned in my last episode blog. And one more thing, that Duras who got killed said ‘he’ I’m thinking it was that guy from episode 4 who we only got a short glimpse off. But whatever, the plot’s getting deeper in, so I hope it speeds up a bit soon.

Yuki wakes up in the car after dreaming a scene from his previous life as a girl (As I was kindly informed last time) and about to kiss Luka. Obviously he thought it was only a dream yet he felt it to be quite realistic.

Tsukumo and Toko tell Yuki that Luka is only nice to him, and he wonders why, obviously, he doesn’t have a clue.

There’s a short explaination of the Giou clan, basically an expert a demon killing group to sort out ‘unsolvable’ murder cases, or something like that.

Tsukumo and Toko say that they need Yuki’s powers. He’s like the only healer in your party… sorry about my rpg analogy, I play too much… I understand better now…

Some more explaining, Tsukumo and Toko are Zweilt guardians, people who partner up to fight Duras. They live in the Twilight Mansion, and that’s where they’re taking Yuki, but a trip to the police department is up first. It was mentioned quickly, but I think Toko said that they all know Yuki from their previous lives, that’d explain a few things, so makes sense. Anyway, Yuki and Luka are to get off at the police department and meet up with Hotsuma and Shusei, also Zweilt guardians.

We then get a first impression of Hotsuma and Shusei. Hotsuma seems hot-headed and arrogant and Shusei seems alright, for now. According to Takashiro, Hotsuma hates Yuki.

Yuki tries to call Kanata when he arrives, but still, no answer.

Takashiro talks privately with Luca. Luca states that he hasn’t changed his mind and will protect Yuki, as his soul is the same, I’m assuming he means the same as the girl i.e. Yuki’s previous life.

Yuki sees an injured girl outside and goes to help her. A Dura was about to attack him when Hotsuma makes his appearance and burns the Dura. He then shoots his mouth off about how careless Yuki is and doesn’t want to be his friend. Luka then comes along, and Hotsuma leaves. Yuki says that Hotsuma looked very sad, and when he walked past his partner, Shusei, his partner said something about kindness can hurt others. And that ends the episode.

Is it just me, or did not much really happen here? To me it was, car ride to police department and then encounter with Hotsuma, that about sums it up, seems like a wasted episode, though I did get a few explanations and there is the introduction of two new characters. So I guess the episode isn’t too bad. The huge amount of new names to learn will probably come next episode or after when meeting everyone else at Twilight Mansion. It seems that Hotsuma has quite a past as well, maybe we’ll see it, he seems like a deep character. What I want is a proper explanation of this previous life thing, though that seems like most of the anime’s back story, so it’ll probably come really late. And also, I wanna see that Kanata again, wonder where’s he gone to.

Yuki goes to the roof of the school and meets Uzuki, with an evil smile on his face no less. It seems that he’s captured children from the orphanage and that’s how he got Yuki to come. But this isn’t actually Uzuki, it’s a Duras called Bayu, he does the ‘take off glasses and hey look I’m evil’ thing, y’know, Aizen.  Bayu explains about Dura ranks and such and then tells Yuki his true intention for coming, he was asked to kill him, by Reiga-sama!

Bayu then summons up a lot of daggers and shoots them at Yuki, but Tsukumo pushes him out of the way before anything hits.

Below them, Toko is fighting many weaker Duras, but then Zess appears and easily wipes them all out.

On the roof again, Tsukumo’s gun drops, he’s taken a hit to the neck which will kill him, then the Dura attacks Yuki. Zess appears and blocks the attack. He then says all he needs to do is kill Bayu and Tsukumo will be fine. Now we find out that Zess is also a Duras, a Duras traitor to be exact. He has his sword out and is about to kill Bayu but Yuki stops him as Uzuki will die too. Bayu took this opening to summon his sword and stab Zess in the stomach. Though he says he’s fine and rushes to fight Bayu.

Yuki then blames himself for everyone getting hurt… too many whining people, it’s getting irritating… anyway, he shouts for everyone to stop and a golden glow erupts. Below the school, Takshiro is in his car and says that Yuki’s awakened… oooooh, interesting… so he leaves and is convinced that Yuki will come to Tokyo now. The gold glow is ‘God’s Light’ ha, I like the name, Toko says it’s filled with kindness yet it feels sad.

The light heals Tsukumo who then releases Uzuki from Bayu and Zess kills him.

There’s then a short scene where I believe we see the guy who sent Bayu, and I’m sure we’ll see him again.

Up on the roof (unintended pun), Yuki heals Tsukumo’s wound completely with a glow emanating from his hand. And that’s his power, by taking other’s pain, he can heal them, that’s not very good, though at least it’s ‘an eye for an eye’ sort of… yeah nevermind…

Uzuki apologies to Yuki and cries… awwwww…

Takashiro is right and Yuki leaves for Toyko with everyone because if he stays the Duras will attack again. It’s about time the story moved on. He calls Kanata but no one picks up. Yuki holds back his tears and says ‘see you later’ to the children at the orphanage, rather than ‘goodbye’. Zess reveals his real name is Luka Crosszeria, yeah we all saw that coming, and Luka calls Yuki Master… odd… And all the while, Uzuki watches them leave.

We find out Yuki’s power, which I must say is rather unimpressive and kinda not very useful. He can heal others by taking their pain, I mean, that’s really not something you want to use a lot, especially for big wounds and such. Also, Uzuki isn’t that bad of a guy, I think I hate him slightly less now. A few things that interested me was, where did Kanata go? That’s a big mystery. Luka is a Duras traitor, so how did he end up on the ‘good’ side? He’s apparently also quite powerful too. Yay for sword fights, I wanna see more. That Takashiro seems to be hiding a fair few things as well, so many secrets, so little time, they better all be revealed. Also, I think the relationship between Luka and Yuki is getting better now, yay, I wanna see more of that too. Anyway, the story now moves to Tokyo I’m assuming, I’m sure we’ll be able to see this war soon.

It seems that scene with Luka and the girl in the rose thorn bushes are a part of the opening. Or they wouldn’t be in two consecutive episodes right before the opening.

So still on trying to get Yuki to join the Giou clan, Yuki asks for time to think about it. As he inspected a big hole that was made during the fight, Takashiro talks about how if Yuki doesn’t fight, the world will end. As Zess leaves Takashiro tells him to stay away from Yuki for a while and not to tell him that the Duras (the demon things) are after him. Zess attacks Takashiro and says that he’ll kill anyone who hurts Yuki. He disappears with a whirlwind.

As Yuki is walking he is approached by a Dura who is killed by Zess. Who then decides to walk with Yuki. Zess tells him not to go out at night the next day as it’s Walpurgis night, sounds like something bad is gonna happen that night, like a big fight. As Yuki leaves Zess he says that he feels as though he’s known Zess for a very long time, but Zess doesn’t say anything on that matter.

Night and Takashiro is having a bad dream in his car, he repeatedly keeps saying Reiga in his dream. Reiga the necromancer apparently, I’m assuming he and Reiga have fought before or something.

So Walpurgis night is basically when all the Duras come out and hurt people.

As Yuki tells the children more stories about a princess and prince. The scene shifts to Zess sitting alone somewhere and then a flash back of Luka, who I’m sure is Zess and that woman going on about how grateful she is that Luka found her. Hmmm, I dunno, sounds a bit cheesy, whatever, I like it.

Next morning, Yuki calls Takashiro and tells him that he wants to stay and decided against going to Tokyo with them. This leaves Takashiro with an irritated face. Yuki believes that he won’t see any of them again, which includes Zess and that for some reason makes him sad.

Takashiro’s in his car again off somewhere and it seems that he has Tsukumo and Toko keep an eye on Yuki and Zess. As Takashiro hangs up his mobile he takes a glance at a big book next to him, wonder what that could be.

We then go to a short scene with Uzuki laughing saying that the moon will turn red soon.

The night of the red moon and two people of the orphanage haven’t returned so, Yuki, ignoring Zess’s warning goes to look for them. Tsukumo seems to have noticed and contacted Zess and Toko about it. Zess takes action but is confronted by a Dura. He touches an earring and a sword comes flying out of nowhere. He kills the Dura and hurries on.

Tsukumo finds Yuki near school and rushed on ahead alone. As Yuki enters school Kanata is watching him. Yuki opens the roof door and the episode ends with a fading image of the red moon.

This is getting interesting. A lot more mysteries are involved now and a lot of things I want to find out. A few particular things interests me is the books that Takashiro and Kanata have, something to do with Raziel which I’m intrigued about. Also, I’m hoping they can conclude everything with Izuki cos he doesn’t seem like a major character in this. And obviously this war thing as well. My main interest is still that girl that Zess/Luka is with during all those flashbacks, but I’m guessing it’ll be a long time before they say anything on that, so I won’t mention it again until that time comes then. I also want to know what happens now as Yuki has just ran outside on Walpurgis night, no idea what that is. Let’s see what the next episode clears up, or adds then.


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