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So back to blogging the animes!
If you have been reading my site, I have blogged the entire first series of Highschool Of The Dead, quite a good horror, zombie-apocalypse anime.

This anime is brand new, it may be Yaoi – which is boy-love orientated, but I have nothing against that and with it aside, it looks like a decent watch.
Just a quick glimpse of what it is – it is set in a post apocalyptic future after World War 3, were street fighting has become the rage. We follow lead character – Akira who was jailed for a crime he didn’t commit. He is then told he will be given his freedom if he hunts down ll Rey, the strongest guy in Toshima (a city ruled by a crime syndicate), he accepts.

So now you know the basic story, let’s get straight to the first episode.

I quite liked the opening scene, basically saying the streets of what was Japan are now stained red with blood. It is no longer recognisable as a place people used to inhabit – this is the hell it has come to now.
And wow at the opening sequence. Showing us a few of the characters to come, with some damn good music! If this anime carries on with the heavy stuff, I’m going to quite like this. Read the rest of this entry »


So here we are..after a long 12 weeks, we have reached the final episode of the series. It’s been epic.. it’s been emotional..but we got through this TOGETHER. We have fought through huge hordes and romances. Today, we conclude all that has happened..I say we, I really mean Takashi and that, should be an interesting watch eh?

Let’s get up to scratch with what’s happening. Takashi and the crew are about to head out to find their parents to bring back for safety, as everyone in the Takagi mansion are going to be taken somewhere else. At the same time, most countries have activated missiles that are going to blow up chunks of the planet, an apocalypse has started.

Already this episode is amazing. It has an epic atmosphere and the music is fantastic! It is suiting and really expresses well the situation at hand.

Here we are back with the familiar face of Shizuka’s police friend with many suspicious guns, looking after the survivors at the airport. It moves on to Shizuka celebrating the fact she has remembered her phone number, this being a few minutes before we see the face of her friend. It turns out her friend’s name is Rika, and Shizuka is more than happy to discover she is still alive. All of a sudden we see that huge flash from their angle, it is an EMP (electromagnetic pulse), basically a burst of electromagnetic radiation that causes a damaging current and volt surge that fries all circuits of electrics within it’s perimeter. It was the government that did the EMP as a self defence act.

Saya’s dad comes down to check the situation, being very much pleased with her staying calm. Things are quite nice for her – until someone starts screaming that the dead are going to get in, they have to close the gates quick, abandoning the people outside. One manages to get in, not fast enough to avoid being shot by Hirano’s quick action skills though, impressing the adult that patronised him. We see Saya’s parents go into kick-ass mode now, handing a gun to Saya aswell, much to her shock of why they have them in the first place – she explains she was in the executive self defence course. Read the rest of this entry »


Second to last episode already..Man this crept up quickly. Also, is it me or was this opening scene quite dark? I knew Shido was quite a .. not very good guy.. but wow.

As the episode begins with Saya, you really is how strong she is – just like her dad. She put older people with a lot more years experience into place with her hell of a speech, leaving them speechless.. until she mentions she is the daughter of the guy they do not agree with, then they have plenty to say. I noticed a repeating theme with the older people that has carried on from the last episode – the fact they keep patronising Takashi and the rest that are younger people by calling them children and pointing out adults are more experienced.

It was quite intelligently put by Hirano of how those adults feel. They do not agree with the violence and they are refusing to accept that the dead walk, the think it is just a disease. Hirano explains that it isn’t the fact they CAN’T see it, it’s the fact that they don’t want to – these people aren’t stupid, they are just in denial.. they want the innocence of what life was like before to remain.

We see Saeko being taught even more wisdom about swords by Sayas’ dad. It turns out the Busujima family is a lot more legendary than we thought. Her father is a well respected sword master, which explains Saekos’ skills and ways. Even Sayas’ dad is impressed with Saeko and tries to give her a fantastic looking sword..which she declines as she is proud and only wants something like that if she has good reason to accept it. Saeko asks the dad why doesn’t he just keep Saya by him all the time, then he knows she is safe. She goes on to say or even Takashi..but then he explains that Takashis’ heart still waves..he is obviously confused right now..Saeko and Rei. Read the rest of this entry »


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