2pm, the serialization meeting begins. Hattori has a voice over at the start to explain a little about how the meeting works.

There are 13 up for serialization in total and it looks likely that only 2 will be serialized. Fukuda thinks only 1 out of the newcomers will be serialised as they’re battling with established mangakas, so he says that there won’t be any grudges against the serialised.

The mangas are given a yes or no one by one and we also see a manga by that mystery person who heard Takagi and Mashiro talk about manga on the train a few episodes ago. His name is Hiramaru and he only started drawing manga back then and has already won an honorary mention. He’s never even read manga before, and without any influence in manga clichés he’s drawn out an original manga, he’s a genius as his editor puts it.

Kaya comes round to the studio to try and divert their attention, but fails miserably and somehow depresses the two… However in the meeting, it’s looking positive for them.

Over three hours and still not done so everyone decides to take a short break. Fukuda’s impatience finds him calling Yujiro to find that the meeting’s still going.

Five and a half hours past and Kaya’s starting to worry that they’ve got the day wrong. But Hattori finally calls and says one word, ‘congratulations’. Seems like neither Fukuda nor Aoki and Nakai were serialised. Mashiro texts Azuki and waits for a reply. In the mean time both Fukuda and Eiji call to congratulate him.

Still waiting for a reply from Azuki, Mashiro decides to run to hers. As he stands outside of her house a number he doesn’t recognise calls him, it’s Azuki! She gives him a personal congratulations.

The next day they wait for Hattori to show up and are surprised that he brought someone with him, his name is Miura and he will be their editor from now on!

That ends season one.

After two long years of hard work, dedication and all-nighters and one season of anime, they’re finally serialized. A big congratulations and well deserved too. All they need to do now is keep it serialized long enough for it to get an anime. Are they capable? Definitely. Will they do it? Not sure. It’s only their first serialization and they’ve still got a lot to learn. I do see Trap going far, but will it be far enough? The other thing is the change of editors. Hattori would be perfect as he is a very serious and down to earth person. I don’t like Miura, he seems too energetic, not the best for a serious detective manga. I don’t get why they had to change, and I can’t offer any suggestions other than the editorial department were on drugs… But maybe I’m underrating him, either way, time will tell, unfortunately the second season’s a while away, got some time to wait.

So this season took us to when Ashirogi Muto is serialised, good place to stop and leave us wanting more. I wonder where next season will take us and of course how long it is. I’d like it to be 24/25 episodes again and get to a good enough part, don’t want to spoil anything so I won’t say anymore. Although I will say that I thought Miura’s voice would be a little higher, he sounds too deep at the moment, at least too deep for his energetic personality, then again I shouldn’t judge as I’ve only heard him say a few words. Maybe he’ll be different next season.

Onto the episode, which was an entire episode on the serialization meeting. Not the greatest way to end the season, but I suppose it was used to create the tension, although Hattori was anticlimactic, unlike Kaya and her glomp. Also I thought it was nice how they swapped the ending and opening around, it fit with the moods nicely.

Also, I liked the three of a kind with Jacks, I certainly don’t remember this in the manga, then again it is only a tiny detail. But it could be anime only, either way, made me smile, shame you can’t do that with Jump. Unless it’s a pack of cards with people doing jumps…

That new guy Hiramaru sounds like another big competitor. He is certainly another genius, like he was meant to do draw manga. Still I don’t like people with natural talent, he’s spent no effort and suddenly he’s great. Can’t compare with Ashirogi Muto who’ve spent two years hard work.

Just want to say, Mashiro and Takagi shouldn’t have been that depressed when they heard nothing. You know what they say, no news it good news. Although of course good news is good news too. But best thing to do is stay positive when you’ve got nothing.

Last thing on my mind is I’m wondering shouldn’t Azuki have Mashiro’s number as they text each other? Or is it that when they say ‘mail’ they really do mean email… though why do they check on phones, is that something I’ve missed? Am I so behind on technology that I’m one of the few who still have to use my computer to check my emails?

Well anyway, the anime’s followed the manga rather closely, always good. I’ve enjoyed it even though I already knew what was going to happen, so you who don’t should’ve enjoyed it more. I’ll of course be looking forward to the next season and hope it’ll follow the manga closely again. It’s a long wait though, oh well, can’t rush a genius right?