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The Otogi Bank calls everyone for a meeting regarding someone who’s been badmouthing them. It seems that their location has been leaked somehow, but of course their main base is not known to anyone. Liszt thinks it could be Onigashima’s council president. No harm is done yet, so they’re going to wait and keep an eye on things.

Thinking that they’ll need a lot of repayment favours, Liszt puts up a special offer of 30% off. Surprisingly it works too well and they get flooded with requests.

As Ryoushi heads home, he meets someone called Nekomiya Saburou, third year, who seems to know everything about Ryoushi. He wants to help Ryoushi become more of a man so he can protect Ryouko, and somehow Ryoushi is dragged into it.

When Ryouko and Ringo enter their apartment gates, they see a girl from Onigashima sitting by a wall in bad shape, and they immediately help her. Her name is Kokonoo Reiko and she, like Ryouko, has just been dumped by Kitsujikai and ran for it. Feeling anger again, Ryouko decide to let Reiko stay at theirs whilst she tries to get her transferred to Otogi academy.

Next day, Ryoushi starts his training. Nekomiya tells him that he needs a cool head at all times if he wants to fight and starts to attack him. Ryoushi asks why he’s doing this and Nekomiya says he’ll answer if Ryoushi completes the training.

Ryouko arrives home to find that dinner’s prepared, laundry’s done and the place is cleaned thanks to Reiko. Back at the bank Ringo wants to make sure that Reiko is trustworthy. They find details on her and apparently she’s easily led on and her personality changes with her boyfriend. But just to be sure she doesn’t try anything funny, they get Otsuu to keep a look out too.

The last day of the sale and Mimi comes to visit. It seems a girl from Anderson girl’s academy, a place for rich girls, wants a loan. So Alice goes with her to see this girl.

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Aizen echoes Ichigo’s words. “In an instant”. Yeah, let’s remember that, shall we? Aizen then gets up and says he understands why Ichigo has no reiatsu. He says he has not parted with it, but thrown it away, and it has become raw physical power for his spiritual body, though he says he doesn’t know how Ichigo did it. However, he still talks the talk, saying that Ichigo still cannot stand up to him, and then stretches out his wings. Aizen starts to do that weird teleporting/high speed move he did with Gin, and for some reason Ichigo’s eye becomes Edward Elric’s eye for a panel. A cameo, you could say. Strange. Anyway, Aizen appears behind Ichigo and attacks him, but Ichigo notices, turns and blocks, whilst the land around them is destroyed. Aizen compliments Ichigo’s dodge, then states that his sword swing changed the earth, stating that that is his current level of power. He says that even he is surprised at his current power, and thanks Ichigo now that he will be able to test the power on him.

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September 2010


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