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The original series started in 1984.. it was followed by its most popular series in 1989.. then concluded with its last series in 1996. Of course I am talking about one of the most popular anime and manga series of all time – Dragonball (Z,GT). Personally this was and still is my favourite anime ever. If you didn’t like anime, it suited you. If you liked anime, it suited you. If you have never seen anime, it suited you. No matter who you were, this series could appeal to anyone. It had child and adult elements making it a great watch for anyone in the family.

I thought I’d write this blog..yeah it is a few years late, but to be honest it is never too late to write about such an amazing series. I loved this series so much for so many reasons, but there is no need for worry. I will be explaining why I loved it so much, what made it such a lovable anime for millions of people around the world (literally) and if you have never seen or read it – what it is all about. Read the rest of this entry »

God Says No!

Miura sees the anime proposals on Sasaki’s desk, and runs to tell Hattori about them. He’s told to shut up, as it’s common for series to get anime offers if it is popular enough after six months, and the Chief would decide on whether or not to accept the offers anyway. This is news to Miura, and Yoshida says that if the Chief green lights a series for an anime, if he deems it popular enough, only then will they tell the creators, and Miura is told not to accidentally tell Ashirogi before the anime offers are sorted. Yamahisa says that PCP isn’t suited to an anime, and Yoshida says that it may be better for a drama, around the 10pm slot, but then says that its way too early for PCP to get an anime anyway, so the discussion is over. We then cut to Mashiro, as he cycles to the studio, and Takagi cycles up to him, stating how they haven’t met up on the way to the studio in a while. Mashiro says he’s going to the convenience store for refreshments, and Takagi goes with him. They hang out in the park, Mashiro saying he has time to spare as he is used to drawing PCP now. They then discuss when they were in school, and they always came here. They spoke like they knew everything, and Mashiro says that Takagi kissed Kaya here, whilst Takagi overreacts as that was his first kiss, and is curious as to how Mashiro knows that. They then see some kids ‘playing’ PCP, and they watch. The kid playing Akechi is obviously not in the spirit. They then discuss that maybe things are going too well, now that they have a drama CD and Takagi never gets writer’s block anymore. Mashiro says that even though they have some free time, they still haven’t beaten Crow or got an anime. Then Kaya appears, and Takagi points out the kids playing PCP, so she runs over to thank them in strange fashion.

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Madara would give his right arm for the Rinnegan.

I was wrong, we do get to see Konan v Madara. How awesome will this be? First of all, Madara asks why Konan and Nagato betrayed him, and if they think Naruto is really that special. Konan answers that Naruto is light personified, and that everyone who meets him carries the flower called ‘hope’. She then disappears into sheets of paper, and Madara starts to find it humourous that she bares her fangs at him yet still wears an Akatsuki cape. Konan retorts that Akatsuki was created by Yahiko, and that the red cloud represents the wars that rained blood down on the Hidden Rain village. She then says that Madara was merely riding its coattails, and the cloaks mean justice, so they do not belong to Madara. She then says that the Rinnegan are Nagato’s eyes, a Hidden Rain ninja’s, and so are her country’s treasure. She then throws some origami at Madara, which merely pass through him. He tells her she is wrong, and says he will enlighten her as she is about to die. He says that he is the one who spurred Yahiko to form Akatsuki, and he was the one who gave Nagato the Rinnegan, so he’s really just taking back what belongs to him. He then tells her not to underestimate the eye powers of an Uchiha, but Konan makes some paper wings to fly at Madara, surrounding him with paper to make sure he doesn’t escape. Madara notices and lets her continue with her plan. He waits, and when she attacks, and grabs her by the throat and begins to ‘vortex’ her using his space distortion jutsu. Madara gloats, but he notices that Konan mixed her papers with explosive tags, which detonate just as he tries to use his jutsu.

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Troubled by what Nakata meant when she said ‘I don’t want to be your sister’, Junichi asks his friend, but he couldn’t get a straight answer.

The time for Nakata’s job interview was upon them. Junichi accompanies a delighted Nakata to it and sits alone waiting for her results. What a surprise, with all that training, she passes.

On the way home, Nakata still wants Junichi to help her and advise her as she’s not sure she can hold done a part-time job.

One day, Junichi along with Umehara, Kaoru and Miya visit the place where Nakata works at. This happens not to be where Kaoru works. She seems to be perfectly fine at her new job and surprisingly not the klutz I was expecting.

Some days pass and Nakata invites Junichi to the amusement park because she got some tickets from a regular customer, and she wants to thank Junichi.

Nakata suggests going on the Ferris wheel, but Junichi has a fear of heights, so he quickly suggests the merry-go-round. After that they go to a ‘Hero Show’ some sort of on stage Power Ranger type thing, and Nakata seems to know a lot more than she should. She’s mistaken for an elementary student and gets to go on stage for a bit.

As they both go for some food and a drink, Nakata asks if they look like a couple, and an awkward silence descends. Nakata then suddenly mentions the best couple competition for the school founders festival and asks if she and Junichi can enter together. He thinks a while, but obviously agrees.

Later at the bus stop, they hold hands and their wheel of love finally starts to spin.

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September 2010


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