Madara would give his right arm for the Rinnegan.

I was wrong, we do get to see Konan v Madara. How awesome will this be? First of all, Madara asks why Konan and Nagato betrayed him, and if they think Naruto is really that special. Konan answers that Naruto is light personified, and that everyone who meets him carries the flower called ‘hope’. She then disappears into sheets of paper, and Madara starts to find it humourous that she bares her fangs at him yet still wears an Akatsuki cape. Konan retorts that Akatsuki was created by Yahiko, and that the red cloud represents the wars that rained blood down on the Hidden Rain village. She then says that Madara was merely riding its coattails, and the cloaks mean justice, so they do not belong to Madara. She then says that the Rinnegan are Nagato’s eyes, a Hidden Rain ninja’s, and so are her country’s treasure. She then throws some origami at Madara, which merely pass through him. He tells her she is wrong, and says he will enlighten her as she is about to die. He says that he is the one who spurred Yahiko to form Akatsuki, and he was the one who gave Nagato the Rinnegan, so he’s really just taking back what belongs to him. He then tells her not to underestimate the eye powers of an Uchiha, but Konan makes some paper wings to fly at Madara, surrounding him with paper to make sure he doesn’t escape. Madara notices and lets her continue with her plan. He waits, and when she attacks, and grabs her by the throat and begins to ‘vortex’ her using his space distortion jutsu. Madara gloats, but he notices that Konan mixed her papers with explosive tags, which detonate just as he tries to use his jutsu.

We then get a flashback as the bombs erupt, of the original Akatsuki discussing matters. Konan says their members are falling in Sector 7, and Nagato says he will recon there, but Yahiko refuses, saying he will. Konan follows Yahiko and tells him to be careful, but Yahiko tells her to take care of Nagato’s injuries. He says Nagato is the most vital part of Akatsuki, but Konan argues that Yahiko is. Yahiko then says that Nagato will be the bridge to lead them to peace, and he will be the one to hold Nagato’s bridge up. He then leaves, and Konan goes back inside, where she tells Nagato what happened. He argues that Yahiko is the bridge, not him, and they all believe in him. They then all follow, with Konan saying that she will be the support that holds both Nagato and Yahiko up. Back to the present, Madara is damaged, having lost his right arm and half of his mask. He says he shouldn’t have taken her lightly. Konan then reforms from paper, also seemingly hurt. Madara says she tried to kill both of them in the blast, but he was faster and absorbed most of the explosion. He also ended up saving Konan, and asks for a ‘thank you’. Konan  instead asks him if he knows why they betrayed him, and Madara says he doesn’t know or care. Konan answers that they betrayed him as he is darkness, and flowers can only wither and die around him. She then raises her hand, and the ground beneath Madara’s feet opens up to reveal a gaping chasm of paper.

That was an awesome chapter. I’m pleasantly surprised that Konan fought, but I guess it was pretty overdue. She’s actually fairly awesome. Especially to do damage to Madara. Like with Bleach, there’s a slight sense of disbelief as Madara has been played up as untouchable, but Kishimoto did an awesome job of making Madara’s injuries happen in a believable way. Plus, we got a bit more of a backstory on Konan and the Akatsuki. It was pretty long-winded if you ask me, but the point was clear. It’s a battle chapter, so it did seem a bit shorter than usual, but it made up for it with pure awesomeness. As you can tell, I’m pretty high on Konan at the moment. Let’s hope this technique that Konan uses is as good as it looks, otherwise I’ll be disappointed. Also, has anyone else noticed that Madara has planned everything that has ever happened out? Aizen Complex much?