Graduation day, and the gang is late to class. That begins another hectic day.

Each of them get their flowers attached on and you couldn’t help notice that Azusa’s looking rather sad. Ritsu takes the card for Sawa-chan into the graduation assembly by accident so Yui hides it inside her clothes. This draws people’s attention, even Sawa-chan’s. Mio tries Chinese whispers to tell Yui that Sawa-chan’s looking at her, but as Chinese whispers go, you always get a completely different message. But the assembly finishes and Yui manages to keep it hidden.

Apparently it was Ritsu who messed up the Chinese whispers message. Anyway, Sawa-chan catches them outside and interrogates Yui, but they manage to escape without revealing anything.

Back in class, when Sawa-chan finishes her speech, Yui hands the card to her.

After school, the gang heads to the music room, and Azusa appears.

And with a teary eyed goodbye and song, K-ON!! comes to an end.

Huh, that was surprisingly much more emotional than I thought. For one thing I didn’t actually realise it was the last episode as I thought the last two episodes would end it, but it seems like they’re extras and for another I thought they’d make it into a big joke of some sort, but they went with the emotional episode. So, I enjoyed this episode, partially because this had so much more in it than a lot of the other episodes, and partially because it was too emotional, for K-ON at least, not to like.

So that wraps up the second season of K-ON. I feel nothing. At the end of the first season I was rather disappointed and was looking forward to this, but now that it’s over, I feel nothing. I think the reason of that, is because the season started off really well then just went on a ninety degrees angle downwards. I really have nothing to say apart from that, first few episodes good, the rest, boring… oh well, if there’s a season three I may not blog it, but we’ll see. I’m now wondering what KyoAni’s gonna conjure up next. I’ll definitely be interested put it that way.

Last thing then, I’m going back to university next week and because of some problems, I’ll be without internet for at least 4 days. So I’ve asked Kirayoshi to do the extra episodes of K-ON for me.

From me to K-ON, bye bye, and if you do come back for a third season, make it more interesting please.