You are currently browsing the daily archive for August 12, 2010.

School festival time at last and Mio’s rather nervous about playing Romeo. Sawa-chan’s quite literally dead as she’s a bit too involved making all or most of the costumes that are used.

The play they all practiced day and night for finally gets underway. The acting is quite good and everything’s going swimmingly, until disaster strikes when they can’t find the tombstone for the final grave scene. They manage to borrow a replica of the Rosetta Stone from the occult club to use as the gravestone just in time before the final scene started. Everything ends and all is well.

After finishing the play off. It’s back to practicing for the band performance next day, even deciding to sleep over at the school. They go around the school at night to check things out and made friends with the occult club. After some messing around, they all go to sleep.

They are woken up by Sawa-chan and the arrival of their new costumes which they all agree look rather cute.

From what I can tell the costumes just look like shirts with writing on them. I’m going to assume those are the costumes otherwise they can hardly be called costumes.

Play was alright, was hoping someone slipped up to make it funnier but it was pretty serious, well, apart from Yui’s tree and shrub… Why didn’t they just put a shrub card board on, I’m sure they didn’t need anyone to hold it up. Same goes for the tree.

Not much else to say again and I’m running out of time, just looking forward to the performance now. Hope they do some new songs, been waiting long enough I think.


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August 2010


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