You are currently browsing the daily archive for August 31, 2010.

Ichigo arrives and saves Rukia from the fall. He then greets Yammy with a less than impressed look.

He leaves Rukia some place safe and rushes off to engage Yammy. A few quick strikes and a hollowfied Getsuga, and Yammy collapses on the ground. Ichigo stops and realises that his mask felt different, it was heavier, he thinks back and wonders if it was ‘that’ that caused this.

Yammy gets back up and reveals a small cut wound where Ichigo attacked. Seems Yammy is indeed strong. But that doesn’t stop Ichigo, he’s faced many stronger opponents and never had a strategy in mind. He states that he needs to defeat Yammy, so he will.

Angered by such idiotic reasoning, Yammy fires a barrage of bala shots at Ichigo pushing him further and further back.

Disgusted by Yammy’s lack of respect for his comrades Ichigo tries to put his mask back on and fight back, but it disperses before he could. Yammy took this opening and grabs Ichigo.

Elsewhere, Mayuri is taking a leisurely stroll wheeling around a large cage full of… ‘things’…

Back to the fight now, as Ichigo’s about to be squashed, literally, Kenpachi and Byakuya come to his aid.

Byakuya tells Ichigo to return to the real world where he is needed. Ichigo retorts that he needs to kill Yammy first and it’s not easy to return to leave hueco mundo. But that’s sorted by Mayuri’s timely arrival, with a garganta he ‘found’.

Ichigo is test subject one to go through it. Unohana makes her appearance and decides to go with him. Ichigo is still reluctant to leave, but Byakuya tells Ichigo that his duty is to protect that town, and with that Ichigo is convinced and sets off for Karakura town.

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August 2010


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