
So my brother Burnah has been watching and reviewing each episode of the Zombie Anime Highschool of the Dead and I promptly took to watching it too after reading his reviews and well, liking the look of it, up to know it’s good. This is my half way through review of it (mainly because I can’t be arsed to review each episode individually) and up to know I am not disappointed!

The first half has done what all good shows should do, that certain chemistry that helps with viewing, set the foundation for the shows theme (zombies, drama, comedy, fun, serious, consistent, scantly clad girls), introduced characters to get used to (the good the bad and the scantly clad girls), bought in a good story arc to follow (Japanese High Schoolers on a mission to survive and make of what has come of their beloved homeland, scantly clad girls) and action, good amounts of action are within this show, which you can enjoy and looks good at the same time, also scantly clad girls (just watch it, you will see what I mean)!

The show itself is drawn beautifully, as a fan of comic books I am keen to see good artwork and I am glad to see that anime has come along quite well, since I never really liked the older stuffs art work (does not mean I didn’t like the shows!). The intro, action sequences and just generalfeel of the show is a delight to watch thanks to the artwork, its clean a crisp with very good detail and the use of blurring and effects really adds to certain moments, you can really get a feel for the scenery as if you were actually there, you can really get a sense for it all.

I won’t go into the storyline, no spoilers, but all I can say is that it is a solid storyline, it’s following from episode to episode with fluency and to top it all off, it is keeping me interested. I am already looking forward to a season two to come after this twelve part first season and only a few shows have ever left me like that. Back to the storyline, we have all the basics, the main guy, the girls, the geek, we have factions and friends, love triangles and interests, serious dramatic moments and funny moments, this is really a filling show.

Oh the zombies, how can I not mention the zombies! So the zombies are quite funny to watch, the faces, but at moments you are actually made to feel sorry for them, just before they have their skulls smashed in, but the humanity almost remains and even you can question the ethics of killing them, the show leaves you feeling that way, so few films and shows do that now, it is in the perspective that if it is walking a dead, it must have it’s head taken away. The zombie type here thought (besides the almost humanity which I have only seen in something like 28 Days Later) is a slow walking, sort of dumb, meat hungry zombie, basic instincts of humanity then, but in a twist they actually take an effort to explain how the zombies attack, watch the show to get what I mean (no spoilers here).

Each and every episode has delivered and all differently, from slow to fast paced, dramatic to just plain silly and even when you thing the episode is not going to be the best, WHAM, right in the kisser you get a good dose of something awesome, for example episode five was half recap of previous episodes, which I thought was unnecessary considering it was only episode five, but it was good, executed very well and the second half was just brilliant. I can’t wait to carry on watching the rest and at the writing of this blog episodes seven and eight are ready for viewing.

I’m going to leave it at that for now, a full review will be made at the end of the season and be warned because I will talk about everything so there will be spoilers! Enjoy watching the show and if you haven’t yet … GET WATCHIG IT … and remember, scantly clad girls, unnecessary? Comment about it!

Views are appreciated, please comment on what you thing, have you seen it? Do you want to? and so on.

Oh and my favourite character has to be Saeko Busujima (毒島 冴子, Busujima Saeko)!