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This week’s SOTW is the ending equivalent to my last SOTW’s opening.

I’ve been loving En’en no Shouboutai’s anime. The animation really is top quality, and you can tell they’ve poured a lot into this series. That being said, the OP/ED animations aren’t slouches either, with the prime example being this week’s SOTW.

This ED is amazing, and easily my favourite currently-airing ED theme (although, since the animation upgrade, Black Clover’s ED 8 has grown on me a lot). The animation stars Company 8’s resident sister, Iris, and her backstory, which we’ll get to in the anime pretty soon. The animation starts on a happy note with the upbeat pre-verse melody, but when that bridge comes in – man, when that bridge comes in. That’s an excellent shift in tone, with some great art to match it.

Anyway, I’m now rambling. Here’s the video:


Ending Edit:


After finishing up another series from last season and leaving on the opening and ending themes to play, I’ve finally found a song that I can be fond of in the season as I hadn’t really come across any good songs. But this had a nice beat, a great catchy tune and a lovely snowy theme, here is Fukigen na Mononokean S2 ED theme, 1% by Wolpis Kater.

I’m working a lot this week, and was busy on my only day off yesterday, so this is getting posted just before I go to work today. So this’ll be short.

I love En’en no Shouboutai, and am ecstatic now that the anime is here. The art and animation on show is incredible, and the OP and ED themes match in tone and quality.

This is the OP, enjoy.


Opening Edit:


A quick one from me this time. I was looking up some classic anime OPs and remembered some great ones that I haven’t heard in many years. The first one of that lot I came across was this great classic from Initial D, here is around the world by m.o.v.e.

This week’s post will be a song I’ve had in my back pocket just in case I literally had no time to write anything – Naruto Shippuuden’s 14th OP.

So yeah, as I said, I’ve not really had the time to do this post, so it’ll be fairly short. So here’s the song.


Opening Edit:



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July 2019


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